Ed Gein - Beating A Dead Horse Lyrics

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Artist: Ed Gein
Song Title: Beating A Dead Horse
Genre: Rock
Visits: 801
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She's a dead horse. There's no sense in beating her into the ground. She's a dead horse. Accept it and move on. No matter how many times you kick her in the chest she will not take another breath. And don't let the twitches fool you. It's just nerves, it won't last. There's something newer and better waiting to take her place. But you won't move on. So as you sit here beating a dead horse we'll be riding circles around you.

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  • Willie Loman
    ""it's not what you say, but how you say it." keep telling yourself that and it will become you. but when you're held up to the light you're transparent. as the wind blows through the skeletons of these trees it carries with it the stale scent of hopelessness. the frost turns the ground as white as your lifeless face. the forests are burning. you had all the wrong dreams, and now the forests are burning.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "It's a Shame that a Family can be torn apart...." album, click "Ed Gein Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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