Edda - Crazy Feeling Lyrics

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Artist: Edda
Song Title: Crazy Feeling
Visits: 799
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Every time I have you around me baby
I get a sensation that I can't explain
Every time you put your arms around me
I'm fighting a feeling but it's all in vain
(I feel like I'm flying, feel like I'm dying)

Every time I touch your heavenly body
I'm lost in the forest of the passion trees

What is the magic you're working on me girl
What is your potion that's blowing my mind

Give me that crazy feeling
Give me that crazy reeling
It's something no one else can do
Give me that crazy feeling
Give me that crazy reeling
There's no one, no one else but you

You must be the devil's favorite sister
To turn inside out a man like me
You give me the freeze but you can't turn on the heat, girl
Are you a friend or the enemy?
(I feel like I'm flying, feel like I'm dying)

Every time I have you around me baby
I drown in an ocean of insanity

What is the magic you're working on me girl
What is your potion that's blowing my mind

Give me that crazy feeling
Give me that crazy reeling
It's something no one else can do
Give me that crazy feeling
Give me that crazy reeling
There's no one, no one else but you

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