Edda - So Long Lyrics

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Artist: Edda
Song Title: So Long
Visits: 761
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I can't go on like this, let it be over
That's not the picture that you painted
You've seen a better life but sirens come tonight
And soon you're burning out and faded

The endless chattering conceals many things
But isn't worth the price of chaos
I hear a voice laughing, they watch us staggering
And only you and I to pay up

When all I said and done you are the only one
Who can make tomorrow painless
A future promising to bring you better things
May only leave you broke and shameless

If I could live my life in peace and happiness, baby
Then we could be the way we hoped and thought it would be
Or so long some say, so long
So long till I see ya, I'll see ya

So many times before you dared the Devil
Your luck is running out and wasted
Too much intensity can be your enemy
You think the powers' overrated

You'll never know of pain or pity just the same
You only seem to know the way up
And still the voice laughing, they watch us staggering
So now it's time for us to pay up

When all I said and done you are the only one
Who can make tomorrow painless
A future promising to bring you better things
May only leave you broke and shameless

If I could live my life in peace and happiness, baby
Then we could be the way we hoped and thought it would be
Or so long some say, so long
So long till I see ya

If I could live my life in peace and happiness, baby
Then we could be the way we hoped and thought it would be
Or so long some say, so long
So long till I see ya

If I could live my life in peace and happiness, baby
Then we could be the way we hoped and thought it would be
Or so long some say, so long
So long till I see ya

If I could live my life in peace and happiness, baby
Then we could be the way we hoped and thought it would be
Or so long some say, so long
So long till I see ya, I'll see ya, I'll see ya

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