Eddie From Ohio - Old Dominion Lyrics

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Artist: Eddie From Ohio
Song Title: Old Dominion
Visits: 850
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you think you'll find some mountains
in western colorado
fifty weeks of snowy peaks
is where you're gonna be
but babe the rocky mountains are gradually eroding
the hills of coors are nothing more
than blue ridge wannabes

a turkey on it's belly
a chicken on it's back
anyway you look at it
you'll find her on the map
she revels in the seasons
shakes hands with the north
hugs the land of dixie while dancing on the porch

you think that autumns in new england
are the greatest of them all
but give me sweet virginia for the fireworks of fall
the prettiest october in all the fifty states
just drive up to the skyline
park the car and wait

so grow up colorado
excuse me tennessee
if you don't mind, north caroline
here's where i want to be

when you're talking home
you mean the old dominion
just southeast of heaven to the surf and the hills
she's the best of thirteen sisters
and thirty seven more
sweet sweet virginia always keeps an open door

they're fiddlin' in galax
pickin' up in floyd
and in the land of patsy cline
they're songs you can't avoid
when you're walking back after midnight
i'll fall to pieces, too
i'm crazy back in baby's arms with sweet dreams of you

they're sailing down in norfolk
skiing up in bryce
climbing up the devil's stairs against the ranger's advice
they're harvesting in loudoun to shenandoah winds
and in the land near washington they're rooting for the 'skins
fight for old d.c.

so grow up colorado
excuse me tennesse
if you don't mind, north caroline
here's where i want to be


pack up your impala
and make your move out west
past the blue ridge mountains
you'll find you passed the best
and when your dreams have ended
where mountains are concerned
me and sweet virginia will await for your return


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Other Eddie From Ohio song Lyrics
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  • Fly South
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    All in hopes to keep our feathers warm..."
  • Imagine Me
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    park it at your center
    lock it with your china..."
  • Jerusalem
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    and these ancient prophecies
    say we all will be as one..."
  • One Thousand Sarahs
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    Sarah's the kind of girl who's 3 feet tall, but she's built like an Amazon woman.
    And all the boys think she's pretty...."
  • One
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    unveiled as madness disguised as something sane
    he never saw it happen, she never meant it to
    he wrapped her up in his life, she stuck to it like glue..."
  • Payday In The Village
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  • ...Show All

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