Eddie From Ohio - Three Fine Daughters Of Farmer Brown Lyrics

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Artist: Eddie From Ohio
Song Title: Three Fine Daughters Of Farmer Brown
Visits: 1004
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breaking hearts in halifax county
the three fine daughters
of Farmer Brown
turning heads of the boys
in the schoolyard
catching whistles from
the men downtown
no one knows why they went rowin'
the three fine daughters
of Farmer Brown
they didn't know that
the rocks on the river
be the three sisters island
where they'd all drown
widower Brown had a girl named nellie
she was the oldest
the toughest of three
she would her daddy's well
sharpened sickle and carve "kill men"
in the sycamore tree
the men come-a-clurtin'
but she'd keep her distance
never cracked a smile just played it coy
some say she's as tender as a petal
she'd act tough
'cuz her daddy wanted a boy
old man brown had a girl named Dottie
the middle button
and the most vane of the three
she'd take her daddy's
fat leather boot strap
and whip anyone
who'd call her Dorothy
the men would fawn her
and she would repay them
and peck 'em where they'd
find it safe to kiss
like the barn or the porch
or the upstairs parlor
anywhere that'd keep 'em
from her father's fist
Farmer Brown had a girl named becca
she was the youngest
and most reverent of all
she would take her daddy's
king james bible
and go study scripture
at the brethren hall
the men would avoid her
'cuz she would condemn them
for cussin' and drinkin'
and chasin' the browns
she'd say "repent and join god forever
the pleasure of sin's
not as good as it sounds."
one day the three
with nothing in common
spied upon an abandoned row boat-a

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Other Eddie From Ohio song Lyrics
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    All in hopes to keep our feathers warm..."
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    park it at your center
    lock it with your china..."
  • Jerusalem
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    and these ancient prophecies
    say we all will be as one..."
  • Old Dominion
    "you think you'll find some mountains
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    fifty weeks of snowy peaks
    is where you're gonna be..."
  • One Thousand Sarahs
    "The parts in brackets are the background voices of the rest of Eddie From Ohio
    Sarah's the kind of girl who's 3 feet tall, but she's built like an Amazon woman.
    Sarah's the kind of girl who's 3 feet tall, but she's built like an Amazon woman.
    And all the boys think she's pretty...."
  • One
    "first it happened slowly, then quickly came
    unveiled as madness disguised as something sane
    he never saw it happen, she never meant it to
    he wrapped her up in his life, she stuck to it like glue..."

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