Eddie Haskill - Paradise Lyrics

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Artist: Eddie Haskill
Song Title: Paradise
Visits: 796
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I don't give two fucks if you like me or not

Take your criticisms and put em in a pipe with a rock

And smoke it up is the fucking record broken or what

Saying its time to quit and my rhyming is shit

Thinking I'm in the rough but I just tee'd off

I'll make the putt in two strokes and I supposed to be soft

And if you got beats you better lend em for free

Cause I never paid for beats actually you would be paying me

If the tables were turned and ratios reversed

You'd be paying my punk ass around $100 a verse

And I'm not trying to day that you don't deserve the money

But I'm really trying to sit down and work with somebody

Split the bills split the profit and try to split the fame

It was me and the mic wasn't ready for that other shit that came

As a byproduct of spitting emotional feelings

That's why I got a few good men to handle promotional dealing

And if I did quit my tail would be sticking straight up

I'm purebred, in between the legs is for mutts

Nine months, shit this baby took a year and a half

Provoking thought now mixed in with tears and a laugh

Wear my pride like a bade even over a coat when colder

My grandpa had a stroke my dad grabbed his mom to hold her

I told her with a crooked face that things would be alright (SE)

It was a lie and my grandfather died that night


I just want to go somewhere where the air is nice

Till I'm in Paradise sipping a parrot ice rolling a pair of dice

Discussing topics with hot chick in the tropics

Where top stock picks are sure to line my pockets nice

"Don't grab the sunscreen just yet"

The two towers fell, fulfilling glorified dreams

We got two towers now, but it's Lord of the Rings

So you better get prepared for whatever the torturer brings

Cause you can no longer hide behind a liberty torch that's green

And Circuit City wanted me to send a saluting CD to the Army

I told'em to get their asses home and barricade around me

Cause that's the only way I'm feeling safe today

And even that's a lie because the bomb we dropped melted faces away

I just want to find a decent place to stay

Where I can say my goodbyes without choking up like Macy Gray

What if it happened here? Shit they took over our planes

What do we have to fear? Yo, they even took our names

I hope them bastards rot, this life's just one big acid drop

Put on a sheet and spread equally throughout the community (SE)

Pray to God to be granted immunity with my rhymes

Cause what I say can be construed and viewed as a crime

When its neutering time stand in line to gets your nuts chopped

I'll step out of line and catch buckshot in my fuckspot

Like Zed from Pulp Fiction but its Ed with his cult vision

Where government was fair and politicians would listen

I'm a Christian catholic, but don't know the words to a church song

But when Big Poppa comes on I'm the first one to sing along (SE)

And that's fucked up aint it, living my life in containment

Recluse through my youth, pretty picture could never paint it


And here's the problem, I just can't get away

When I try, there's a force that pulls me back and tells me where to stay (SE)

And I feeling fucked up today

I haven't felt Hip Hop Hooray since "19 Naughty 3"

And that's the shade under a decade when I used to spectate

Now I stand in the direct shade to avoid the sunrays

Cause my iris was burning when I went to see the light

That's why I'm losing sleep at night looking for some beats to write

My Opus's, it's hopelessness that's the plague of out people

Also, the lack of character development in a sequel

That's why when "junior" decided to go to war

How could you stand back and try to force out an applaud?

That shit's ridiculous when our president dimes and nickels us

So we send over missiles to form ripples in the dust

Meanwhile, oil prices skyrocket

Spend a billion on a fuel cell with a lethal by-product

And we gave Saddam a 48 hour ultimatum

With hopes that crazier son wouldn't replace him

And we'll find a fix to this at the same time as AIDS

Cause it's not about the cure, it's all about getting paid

"Paid in full, its unbelievable... but true

cause in times of war our bill of rights become null and void

They don't want to kill you they want to fill you with wooden bullets

So shut your lips you fucking bitch and lets all go get fucking rich

In paradise, somewhere where the air is nice

With someone I can share my life

Where my highest rated stock picks wont plummet over night

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