Eddie Haskill - Radio Flyer Lyrics

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Artist: Eddie Haskill
Song Title: Radio Flyer
Visits: 805
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They say cats got nine lives but my cat scan revealed that I'm a one match man

Concealed on the path of my hand, life line its fight time when I write the rhymes

That brings shock to little kids like when the old man strikes the moms (SE)

And I'm the old man call me king, radio flyer

Driving a rusty truck with worn out radial tires

I'm a white trash prick who likes to get his ass licked

Oh you don't like me? Stick to Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck

I'm a pimp; so many girls gotta push em away (SE)

But it gets a little hard when their bush is in my face

But I like it clean shaven with tits like cantaloupe

So I got plans to elope with the next female rocking a camel toe

Pussy... showing right through those spandex

Plus we just got married so can you hit my man next

And you my cousin but I insist its non incest(SE)

That's only for immediate family yo plus we just met

So let's fuck and afterwards snuggle with the covers

And hopefully E can forget that both of our uncles are brothers

And I've never heard of rubbers so I'm just gonna hit it raw

I'm your stereotypical trailer, white male at 34


They call me white trash the kind that only pays with cash

Eat corn beef and hash and never wipes my ass

I got a beer in one hand and a steering wheel in the right

Blasting country music, drunk driving at night

Seems to be about a year since my last haircut

And only date women that are chain smoking overweight sluts

Goatees, cut off tees, tight jeans with tucked in boots

I get abusive and that's the truth

It seems like every job I've had entails dirt under the fingernails

I make 11.50 an hour so fuck a singers sales

And I joined a union and they taking care of me

So when I work 40 plus a week time and a half is guaranteed

Plus it keeps me out of the house I stopped beating up the kids

But it will probably only last until I move back in

Make sure to have gifts in hand when I reach the front door

Apologize for the bruises and calling her a cunt whore

So please take me back yo I even stopped drinking

But my left eye was wink winking and my right eye was blink blinking (SE)

She's thinking I'm a changed man and all of the angers lost

But I never tell blatant lies without having my fingers crossed

So she let me back in give me bout a week or so

But this time its no bruises I delivering a lethal blow

Across the head I'm forced to fled of course she's dead I'm not surprised

Turned my seeds to foster kids cause to me they're not alive


Now I'm so lonely and it's the bars I seek

I got out on bail, manslaughter laws are weak

And I probably get off on some sort of technicality

Suspension from work is just vacation without the salary

Enjoying sleeping in walking in robes and slippers

It's like my wife's asleep and the kids are at the sitters

My friends bring over strippers they acting the same

They call it the bachelor pad and that's what's insane

I know I got a slight problem but there's no need to address it

Cause I'll be address less when the judge figures out a proper sentence

You can snail mail me in jail e-mail some sort of trash joke

How straight men go in and come out queer as folk

So yeah I'm doing time remorse will be shown in court

But I'm really upset that I took it too far and got court

So now I'm in the system and it aint working for shit

Cause when I get out I'mma still hit the bars and get lit

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