Eddie Haskill - The Rhyming Lyrics

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Artist: Eddie Haskill
Song Title: The Rhyming
Visits: 771
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All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Occupying space through time

And we give you "The Rhyming"

Murdering mindlessness, lose consciousness

Minds possessed, (name) wont hurt ya I'm just stressed

I stepped and stubbed so many toes I'm left with bruising feet

Confront the inner child inside about the losing streak (SE)

Ya'll should lose your teeth when you abuse the speech

I got endless epilogues with different stoops to preach

Ya crews is weak cant talk your way out but use tools to speak (SE)

No Artvoice its muffled voice channel 4 news is leaked

Into pores, entered Matrix and paused (SE)

Played Russian roulette with rifles and gods

Trifling odds to visualize the concept of paying Adelphia's cost

Deciphering the lines in my lime green bars

That scroll down, I'm whole now but two halves did split

My life ... but you don't know the half of it

Guessing like a half wit I'll tell you suck my dick (SE)

Like that old chick from that Lake Placid flick

Mastered this to the point where I can disappear and reappear like a magic trick

Imagine this, I'm Houdini surviving water tricks as a vocabulist

I'll take the insecure mind of a dime convert her to a catalyst

You wanna battle this at the bar?trying to get drunk (SE)

So I'll let you spit your verse and feel you made me a chump

But when the cd gets released

You'll realize that me and Aston Kutcher got you punked

I'm trying to let you work out your throat with a knot lump

Make you feel like Private Pile from soap on the top bunk

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Other Eddie Haskill song Lyrics
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  • Intro
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    So if you get offended it's the characters to blame because to tell you the truth..."
  • Memento
    "My mind got erased I think somebody better help me
    Trying to get my memory back and I feel like Leonard Shelby
    They took my LP that just got mastered for release
    So I gotta get that cd back before the tracks are leaked..."
  • Paradise
    "I don't give two fucks if you like me or not
    Take your criticisms and put em in a pipe with a rock
    And smoke it up is the fucking record broken or what
    Saying its time to quit and my rhyming is shit..."
  • Quick to Bust
    "I started flipping and spitting before I was hitting the kitten
    So it was hard for me to write about getting with women
    Now I bag em and gag em leave em walking around staggering
    Back in the day I would've put it up in Mary Magdalene..."
  • Radio Flyer
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    Concealed on the path of my hand, life line its fight time when I write the rhymes
    And I'm the old man call me king, radio flyer
    Driving a rusty truck with worn out radial tires..."

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