Eddie Haskill - There Goes the Neighborhood Lyrics

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Artist: Eddie Haskill
Song Title: There Goes the Neighborhood
Visits: 781
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A perceived notion in a nation of contemplation
Thoughts get expressed through a mental masturbation
Castration of the mind is sought to relieve conditions
But anything short of a lobotomy won't release inhibitions
Dissing a mainstream rapper but my flow branched off
And now my own stream is formed where activists stand off
We were prepared for the floodgates to open
We thought a barge would work but overflow left it broken
Over saturation turned your dreams to fabrication
And they're still asleep to believe they're atop this rap nation
I used to have aspirations for cash, ass and Asians
Now I'm trying to survive against attempts at assassination
So if you're with me throw your fists in the air
Conformers of commercialism better listen with care
I'll drink Crys if it's free but I'll settle for beer (SE)
And next year it's a sure bet that Ed will be here
Still writing magnificent rhymes dropping lines for you to quote them
On of off the internet, whether T3 or modem
Encrypt the script I'll leave it up to you to decode them
The Rumpelstiltskin of rap, everything sowed is golden
Let's not talk about the plaques you holdin son
Cause I'm a hot, smart kid who kicks raps rolled in one
So unload your gun. How dare you take shots at me
Disrespect, of course I'm gonna talk obnoxiously
Constantly, I've been told to act responsibly
So my true feelings get wrote and put on CD
And honestly, I never understood what a battle was
Until I couldn't sleep one night and I had to battle drugs
And drugs had the one up but I'd been testing him for years
So I figured it was best to quit and put to rest all of my fears
I went from half pill to no pills saw coke hills on dope deals

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Other Eddie Haskill song Lyrics
  • Come Follow Me
    "The more that I write the more she forgets the love
    Attention can't be spent in both places at once
    Even right now I know she's getting furious
    A dark cumulous cloud because both are getting serious..."
  • From Hell
    "I spent most of my teens aggrevated through youth
    Fabricated the truth and barricaded the booth
    I'm glad that I made it since I salivated here's proof
    I spit the shit to hit your click or bitches with sickness..."
  • Higher Learning
    "This is the story of when my life was changed forever
    There's 16 oz. to a pound 18 more to a key
    And Mos Def wants to explain mathematics to me
    The situation seems tragic and I'm feeling like a culprit..."
  • Intro
    "Welcome, this is your host Mr. Haskill and I present to you "A Beautiful Rhyme"
    There's stories, fables, personal experiences and even more than meets the eye
    I had many thoughts going through my mind from stories that I heard in my lifetime
    So if you get offended it's the characters to blame because to tell you the truth..."
  • Memento
    "My mind got erased I think somebody better help me
    Trying to get my memory back and I feel like Leonard Shelby
    They took my LP that just got mastered for release
    So I gotta get that cd back before the tracks are leaked..."
  • Paradise
    "I don't give two fucks if you like me or not
    Take your criticisms and put em in a pipe with a rock
    And smoke it up is the fucking record broken or what
    Saying its time to quit and my rhyming is shit..."
  • Quick to Bust
    "I started flipping and spitting before I was hitting the kitten
    So it was hard for me to write about getting with women
    Now I bag em and gag em leave em walking around staggering
    Back in the day I would've put it up in Mary Magdalene..."
  • Radio Flyer
    "They say cats got nine lives but my cat scan revealed that I'm a one match man
    Concealed on the path of my hand, life line its fight time when I write the rhymes
    And I'm the old man call me king, radio flyer
    Driving a rusty truck with worn out radial tires..."

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