Eddie Meduza - Feta Fula Dumma Amerikaner Lyrics

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Artist: Eddie Meduza
Song Title: Feta Fula Dumma Amerikaner
Visits: 835
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Talked to my friend again today
Forty days and forty nights
It rained all over the world
To be exact
[to be exact]

sinners played and disobeyed
the Word coming down,
that?s a fact
[that?s a fact]

Some people take it for a joke
they can?t understand
They nailed Our Saviour to the cross
But he told them all
He?d rise again, rise again!
I talked to my friend again today
This is what he had to say:
You?re going up in smoke
going up in smoke
going up in smoke
and we ain?t got no hope
we?re going up in smoke

I talked to my friuend again today
This is what he had to say:
You?re going up in smoke
going up in smoke
going up in smoke
and we ain?t got no hope
?cause we?re going up in smoke!....

I talked to my friend again today
don?t be afraid by what I say
don?t wait ?till Judgement Day
to start to pray?
stop the hey! killing now
We?ll all have to go anyhow
Everyone?s having tons of fun
Who?s gonna take the blame?
He let His Son get close to earth
So we all go up
In bright of day
In bright of day

I talked to my friend again today
This is what he had to say:
You?re going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope
?cause we?re going up in smoke!....

You?re going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope
?cause we?re going up in smoke!
Oh, I talked to my friend today?.

Music break

Everybody?s having tons of fun
Who?s gonna take the blame?
He let His Son Come to earth
So we all go up
In bright of day
In bright of day

I talked to my friend again today
This is what he had to say:
You?re going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope
?cause we?re going up in smoke!....

You?re going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope,
?cause we?re going up in smoke!
I talked to my friend today?.

going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope,
?cause we?re going up in smoke!

going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope,
?cause we?re going up in smoke!
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope,
?cause we?re going up in smoke!

Going, going?
Yeah, Sinners prayed, disobeyed,
The word coming down?.

Going, ooohh, yeah?
Everyone?s having tons of fun?.
Who?s gonna take the blame?...

Chorus:(Repeat x 5)
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
going up in smoke,
and we ain?t got no hope,
?cause we?re going up in smoke!

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