Edguy - The Piper Never Dies Lyrics

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Artist: Edguy
Edguy Author
Album: Hellfire Club (2004)
Edguy - Hellfire Club Album
Song Title: The Piper Never Dies
Genre: Metal
Visits: 814
Print Version

Oh Yeah...

Thirsting for salvation
You're off to find the stairway
Novice on your never ending ride
Whatever you may find
Dare to take it higher
Here's your instigation on your trip into the light

Standing at the temple
Where the wizard shall arise
You listen to the beauty of a song
A melody of promise
Calling from the dark
Tear down the portal and then go on and...

Come and fly away with me
And your eyes are gonna see it all
And sleep with the fire - do you feel me?
Go obtain divinity
Be the one you wanna be
And don't be afraid to give in

A ride into the shadows
The piper never dies, never dies
Ride into the shadows
The piper never dies, never dies
The piper never dies

Entites are screaming
Enticing from inside
Creatures you had never ever seen
And on the back of houghtiness
You leave into the light
The spirit on a mission in the shell of a beast

The ferryman is gentle
And promises are made
The other side may hold a lot to see
He's gonna take you over
And then he'll name the fare
Oh, you gamble with the devil, fool, the ferryman is me

Come and fly away with me
And your eyes are gonna see it all
And sleep with the fire - do you feel me?
Go obtain divinity
Be the one you wanna be
And don't be afraid to give in

And ride into the shadows
The piper never dies, never dies
Ride into the shadows
The piper never dies, never dies
The piper never dies
No, the piper never dies

Balance on the edge of day and night
Not afraid of falling
Time has come to see all wrong from right
Something's calling
Heaven and hell is it all the same
And just a different grade?
Now I gotta know the point of change
Where love turns to hate

Balance on the edge of day and night
Dive into the haze and kiss the light
Many of the tales you've been told
Never written for the brave and bold
Come and take my hand tonight
Come and sleep with me tonight
Certainly I'm gonna take you there
Showing you around everywhere


Do you belive that you're devil-may-care
As you jump into the fire?
Do you belive that you're devil-may-care
As you jump into the fire?

Dreamer, dreamer, dreamer...

And ride into the shadows
The piper never dies, never dies
Ride into the shadows
The piper never dies, never dies
The piper never dies
Ride into the shadows
The piper never dies, never dies

Alright, the piper never dies, I got you hypnotised
Come with me and witness, see Babylon arise
The whore is fading light, let us step inside
Oh, got you paralysed child, the piper never dies
The pied piper plays the song, beatiful but strong
He was never born, never he'll be gone

Oh the piper never dies
He never dies, never, never dies
Never dies, never dies
The piper never, never dies...

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  • Painting On The Wall
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  • Wings of A Dream
    "This is my day - soldiers are coming to take me away
    May justice be done
    I hold on to pray but no god seems to hear me
    The pain I will face is my price for disgrace..."
  • The Headless Game
    "Longing for silence...
    "always faster" is the way that we go.
    Not a little patience...
    higher, farer, better we grow...."
  • Vain Glory Opera
    "The prayers have been spoken
    May the gods be on my side
    May they join my way to bring me victory
    Seven at one stroke..."
  • Save Us Now
    "The sound of explosions, the children awake
    The turn of the tide acts up, the ground it starts to quake
    A pile of dented steel, in fear I realize
    Behind the shuttle's windshield two evil shinig eyes..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hellfire Club" album, click "Edguy Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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