Edguy - The Seven Angels Lyrics

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Artist: Edguy
Edguy Author
Song Title: The Seven Angels
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Fire falling from the sky

Rage of god is coming down

Armaggeddon's drawing nigh

Sinner cry! Heather die!

Hear the toll of pain, gloria, gloria

In the fiery rain

Fire falling from the sky

Rage of god is coming down

Armaggeddon's drawing nigh

Sinner cry! Heather die!

Hear the toll of pain, gloria, gloria

Now the time has come, the end's begun

And the only one will come


It has been foretold

By the visions of the old

And the madness in their eyes

Said his angel will arise

That's what they know: "Holy Lord it's over, oh god

We have done no wrong

So we go where we belong

To the neverending dream

But for those who lived in sin"

They claim to know: "Holy Lord it's over, oh god"


Hey Angel, can you tell me

Will you lead us to the place

Full of heat, in the fire

For we only brought disgrace


He is not the one. If they only knew.


Hey Angel, will you take us

To the judgement of his rage

Hey will we die

For we couldn't close the gate


To the knowledge as they have been told


I don't know how could I prove

Nothing but the cloven hoof

Reigning over them as well

While they keep on fighting hell

Babylon the scarlet whore has come

We are the seven, judgement of heaven

Why don't we know: We are the angels

It's revelation, soul castigation

Fire will burn us away

We are the seven, judgement of heaven

Why don't we know: We are the angels

It's revelation, soul castigation

Fire will burn us away


Redeemer, devastion

Hope it only has been ment

For the sin of the dreamer

who broke the lay you'd sent


He is not the one. If they only knew.


Hey, don't know but I wondered:

When we lost the seal again

Maybe stoned by the incense

Do we rise or just descent


He is not the one. If they only knew.


I don't know how could I prove

Nothing but the cloven hoof

Reigning over them as well

While they keep on fighting hell

Babylon the scarlet whore has come

We are the seven, judgement of heaven

Why don't we know: We are the angels

It's revelation, soul castigation

Fire will burn us away

We are the seven, judgement of heaven

Why don't we know: We are the angels

It's revelation, soul castigation

Fire will burn us away

[Solo: Henjo Richter]

[Voice in the tower:]

Woe to you longing for the winsdom

Woe to you longing for the light

All my sons bring me back what is mine

Or you'll end burning in this night

Woe to you longing for the winsdom

Woe to you longing for the light

All my sons bring me back what is mine

Or you'll end burning in this night

[Solo: Timo Tolkki]


Once I have been lost in what they told me to believe

Until I felt in burning deep inside to set my spirit free.

And I escaped to another world to help the little men

who make me plunge into philosophy - to feel my

mind again...No one left to hold me tight - on the

'real' other side - but her in chains

I had been alone till the madman came along

With the knowledge and silver long beard

He was the first man ever teaching how I could be free

Helping me to find - oh - the mind and the soul

They've been trying to hide it away...

And he promised we'd help Anna if I'd help him to

go all the way


Go all the way into the world of minds

Open the gate and do not close behind

Prevent them from hiding the light away

Prevent them from tellin'us tales

Or the end of all they scare us with will be a

million empty brains...


I could bring you what you told me

The seal they need to close the gate forever

But still I haven't found a meaning

Anna will we ever be together


You've been fighting for your soul

And sometimes it takes a toll

Hope one day you'll understand

What it means to hold in hands

What they call a fantasy

It is nothing but a key

To the world that now you're in

That they call a wicked dream.


When you're walking on your own

When you're broken and alone

You may fell us from inside -

On the other side of life.



I've been fighting for my soul

And sometimes it takes a toll

Hope one day we'll understand

What it means to hold in hands

What we call a fantasy

But it's nothing but a key

To the world that now I'm in

That we call a wicked dream.

Oh, walking on my own

When I'm broken and alone

I may feel you from inside

From the other side of life.

The Seven Angels Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    May they join my way to bring me victory
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    The turn of the tide acts up, the ground it starts to quake
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    Behind the shuttle's windshield two evil shinig eyes..."

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