Edie Brickell - When The Lights Go Down Lyrics

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Artist: Edie Brickell
Song Title: When The Lights Go Down
Visits: 724
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Benny lost his faith in a gambling spree,
had to leave this place get away from me.
ohhh ohh we'll meet again,
maybe introduced as friends,
he'll come around in a while.

But it's so hard to see when the lights go down,
and it's hard to believe when the lights go down.
And you shake in your shoes,
sitting next to the blues,
'cos you don't wanna loose what you've found.

Benny wants to run but he stands his ground,
sick of those big boys pushing him around,
ohhh ohh here comes a crowd,
they don't care what it's about,
somebody's son's going down.

And it's so hard to see when the lights go down,
and it's hard to believe when the lights go down.
All the animals know when the fire is low,
'cos the wind starts to blow,
on the ground.

Went away on a sunday,
had a glass of wine on monday,
all by yourself in your room.

And it's hard to believe when the lights go down,
and it's so hard to see when the lights go down.
And you shake in your shoes,
sitting next to the blues,
'cos you don't wanna loose what you've found.

And it's hard and it's hard to see,
and it's hard, hard hard hard hard to see,
when the lights go,
when the lights go down down down down down down down down.
Ohhhhh ohh no no no no no no, no no, no no, noo noo,

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