Edie Brickell New Bohemians - Big Day Little Boat Lyrics

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Artist: Edie Brickell New Bohemians
Song Title: Big Day Little Boat
Visits: 810
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Sleep my little baby while you can.

Stay up all night and be tired.

Sleep my little angel like a lamb.

But unlike the sheep follow no man.

Tomorrow's your big day to show off your smile.

Smile. Smile for everyone.

You may fly to Paris in a dream.

Free in the sky like a real bird.

You may not accomplish anything.

If you don't sleep you'll be lazy - baby.

Tomorrow's your big day to show off your smile.

Smile. Smile for everyone.

Drift like a little boat on a wave.

Drift like a little boat on a wave.

Drift like a little boat on a wave.

Tomorrow's your big day to show off your smile.

Smile. Smile for everyone.

Sail through the sea of sad faces with love.

Love. Love for everyone.

Drift like a little boat on a wave.

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