Edison Chen - Gen-Y Cops Movie Theme English Lyrics
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Gen-Y Cops Movie Theme English Song Lyrics
Edison Chen
Song Title:
Gen-Y Cops Movie Theme English
Print Version
Title: Heroes
You feel your body shaking.
Check out the bullets racing through your mind,
It doesn't matter if you life or die,
And that's the reason why you're still alive,
Now when the walls come crashing,
The world will believe you're standing on your own.
And the night will fall upon your soul,
You read the signs and know which way to go.
Heroes will never give, they carry on when it's ruff
And that's the way it should go.[here we go, here we go, go!]
They seem alive when it's dark, and when to fight when it's hard,
They make it right when everything goes out of control, oh...
Do it, just do it. Don't stop, don't stop!
Do it, just do it. Ah!!!!!!!!
Outside the heat is rising,
You try to keep your head off the ground,
And even though the sky is falling down,
We did the fight, it's what it's all about.
Now when the walls come crashing,
The world will believe you're standing on your own.
And the night will fall upon your soul,
You read the signs and know which way to go.
Heroes will never give, they carry on when it's ruff
And that's the way it should go.[here we go, here we go, go!]
They seem alive when it's dark, and when to fight when it's hard,
They make it right when everything goes out of control, oh...
Heroes will never give, they carry on when it's ruff
And that's the way it should go.[here we go, here we go, go!]
They seem alive when it's dark, and when to fight when it's hard,
They make it right when everything goes out of control, oh...
They take what they take, these Gen-Y Cops,
They do what they gotta do, they won't be stopped,
Their hosta pasta, you know you get locked,
Coming at your ass like robocops.
With a run, kick them back, with a kung-fu flip
Stomp on the place you know you hate-hate
Guchi in the mega-mega wild, wild west,
The craze your amaze pulling out of your chest.
The bombs, knives, gun, grenades,
Diping in and out, moving out of the shade,
The way to fight crime, they seem to amaze,
You gots to give up and give them the brakes.
Heroes will never give, they carry on when it's ruff
And that's the way it should go.[here we go, here we go, go!]
They seem alive when it's dark, and when to fight when it's hard,
They make it right when everything goes out of control, oh...
Heroes will never give, they carry on when it's ruff
And that's the way it should go.[here we go, here we go, go!]
They seem alive when it's dark, and when to fight when it's hard,
They make it right when everything goes out of control, oh...
Do it, just do it! Do it just do it!
Do it, just do it! Don't stop! Don't stop!
Do it, just do it!
Gen-Y Cops Movie Theme English Lyrics
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