Edison Chen - I Never Told You Lyrics
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I Never Told You Song Lyrics
Edison Chen
Song Title:
I Never Told You
Print Version
ji de liang qian nian de xia tian yi qi tang zai hai bian liao tian
fa xian you ni zai wo shen bian zheng ge qi fen you xian
fang fo quan shi jie dou zai kan zhu wo men shou zhen shou
yi qi zou xiang yuan fang de xi yang
ni de tou kao zhu wo de jian pang
hao xiang tian tang jiu zai wo de xin fang
gei ni de ai qing fu chu yue duo yue shu chang
zen me ye xiang bu dao qiu tian lie jie san
# zen me ye xiang bu dao ta pai le yi zhi guang gao
gen zhu pao dao xiang gang gong zuo kai shi fan mang
si nian que yi ru wang chang
tan xin zhong you hao duo dong xi
duo me xiang gen ta jiang #
* zha lai bu zhi hui bu hui kan jian ni
wo shi zhong hai bu neng yuan liang zi ji
wo wei shen me mei zu zhi ni li qu wo zhen de hao xiang ni
I never told you I wanna hold you
ruo neng jian ni yi mian wo xiang shuo sheng bao qian
I never told you I wanna hold you
ning yuan fang qi yi qie rang ni lie zai wo shen bian
jiu ran shou dao yi tong dian hua kan dao hen shu xi de hao ma
duo me xi wang ting dao ni de 'hao me'
yuan lai she ge mo shen ren hui wo dian hua
jian jiang bing mu shang de hao ma sui ran jiu she ni de 'uh hun'
biao shi ni yi jing bu zai yong zhe ge dian hua
zhe she wo wei yi lian luo ni de fang fa
qiao he shi jian neng fou fa she zai wo shen shang
ke shi dao wo yi jing bu bao ren he xi wang
Repeat # *
If u and me were together
together will be 4ever
I got to believe I got to believe I got to believe
That the sun will shine another day
Repeat *
I Never Told You Lyrics
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