Edmunds Dave - Queen Of Hearts Lyrics

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Artist: Edmunds Dave
Song Title: Queen Of Hearts
Visits: 870
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Midnight, I'm a-waiting on the 1205
Hoping it'll take me just a little farther down the line
Moonlight, you're just a heartache in disguise
Won't you keep my heart from breaking
If it's only for a very short time

Playing with the Queen of Hearts knowing it ain't really smart
The joker ain't the only fool who'll do anything for you
Laying out another lie, thinking about a life of crime
That's what I'll have to do to keep me away from you

Baby, it makes me feel so bad
Why is everybody telling everybody what you have done
And baby, I know it makes you sad
But when they're handing out the heartaches
You know you got to have you some

Playing with the Queen of Hearts knowing it ain't really smart
The joker ain't the only fool who'll do anything for you
Laying out another lie, thinking about a life of crime
That's what I'll have to do to keep me away from you

Lovers, I know you've had a few
You hide your heart beneath the covers
And you tell 'em they're the only one
And others know what I'm going through
It's so hard to be a lover
When you say you only do it for fun

Playing with the Queen of Hearts knowing it ain't really smart
The joker ain't the only fool who'll do anything for you
Laying out another lie, thinking about a life of crime
That's what I'll have to do to keep me away from you

To keep me away from you
To keep me away from you


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Other Edmunds Dave song Lyrics
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  • I Hear You Knocking
    "You went away and left me long time ago,
    Now you?re knocking on my door.
    I hear you knocking, but you can?t come in!
    I hear you knocking ? go back where you been...."
  • Information
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    Try as I might, I can't forget her smile.
    In passing conversation, what did I hear her say?
    Where did she come from? Who is that woman anyway?..."
  • Ju Ju Man
    "I was just 16 years old,
    And Maggie's hair was black as coal.
    And I felt this heart of mine go slipping away.
    Now, her eyes were bright as the stars up above...."
  • Ju-Ju Man
    "I was just 16 years old,
    And Maggie's hair was black as coal.
    And I felt this heart of mine go slipping away.
    Now, her eyes were bright as the stars up above...."
  • Me And The Boys
    "Just a bunch of guys getting in the car
    No matter who's driving or for how far.
    Feels so good, yeah it's been so long.
    No fancy drivers tell us how to drive..."

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