Edo.G - Be Thankful Lyrics

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Artist: Edo.G
Song Title: Be Thankful
Visits: 752
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[ VERSE 1 ]

Edo's a one-man team, I never huddle with coach

I'm on some raw shit, y'all take the subtle approach

I break up the mic when I wake up the night

If I'm beefin in my sleep then I wake up and fight

I refuse to let these roaches insult my culture

I broke the mold and the sculpture

Went from kingdoms to the projects housing kings

How do I make one word say a thousand things

Spit more than a thousand slangs

Put skills to your thousand dollar chains

Kill you on the mic, then pray over your remains

Elevated the game in the midst of all the change

Got a list of all the names, get beat the hardest

By the featured artist who got dough but keep it modest

Watch my bench featured starters

The ghetto taught us to praise the black goddess

We flawless, hot like June to August

Come on


Be thankful for what you got

Cause a hungry nigga's waitin to take yo spot

Don't think he won't scheme and plot

So you best be thankful for what you got

Next year you might not be hot

So you better be thankful for what you got

Yo, whether you make it or not

Dog, you best be thankful for what you got

[ VERSE 2 ]

If you spit fire, then God's a liar

The odds of dodgin fire just got higher

What cause can you inspire, rap sheet's on fire

I keep it in the streets like tires

And don't admire your material desires

The media supply us, they biased

One minute they praise us, then they crucify us

Haters, they don't apply theyself

They ain't hot enough to do a record by theyself

They need help, see money don't make the man

You ain't gotta shake my hand or take a stand

High day after day, drunk night after night

What you gon' do after-mic?

Fight me, get sent to the afterlife

I battle niggas half a night

Told them suckers pass the mic

Boots gotta have trees, sneakers gotta have stripes

I never lost focus and never lost sight

Of the mic


[ VERSE 3 ]

I silence giants in a world of violence

The science to my triumphs is to switch around the line-ups

Y'all take off with little ascension

Dogs that bark all the time get little attention

Y'all little tension gets little mention

I'm hardcore and heart-wrenchin

Build without benchin, time to start inchin

Photoflash like a camera to slander your propaganda

Hit you in the head with a proper hammer

Livin life wild and short, child support

Trials in courts, criminals and cohorts

I rhyme so sick the flow hurts

I'm runnin a marathon, y'all take the shit in short spurts

In the club watchin short skirts

Cause this rap game comes with mad perps

I do whatever works

Tried not to get murked when I was doin my dirt

Put out my own shit so I won't get jerked



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Other Edo.G song Lyrics
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  • Questions
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