Edo.G - Rise Shine Lyrics

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Artist: Edo.G
Song Title: Rise Shine
Visits: 732
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[ VERSE 1 ]

I'm askin Bush about restitution

Till then we execute the execution

With pressing and distribution

Throw the fist for revolution

With revolution producin

I evolved in your evolution

And I'm involved in your forever losin

A problem with no solution

In a critical state, my state is critical

We live as a team or we die as individuals

A lot unoriginal, analog or digital

Get it done in the physical, everyday ritual

With food for thought that'll get you full

For hip-hop habitual

Surrounded by criminals

At different times and different intervals

The fake ones I hate ones

Yo, I validate sum when they allocate funds

Roll legit with your legalized guns like they do

Ice your charms, you got the right to bear arms


( *DJ Revolution cuts up* )

(It's time to take matters in our hands)

(So uplift the mind, rise and shine) --> Inspectah Deck

(So let's all get ours and stop tryin to get yours) --> AG

[ VERSE 2 ]

You'se the type we used to send to the store on a beer run

You want a new asshole, nigga, I'ma tear one

I shoot a fair one, drive to the hole and get a And1

On any day, a three point play

Now we gon' riot not march cause the game's up a notch

I don't rhyme about a watch or rocks or straight shots of scotch

Lots of trees, takin care of the seeds

To get to the grass I had to shift through the weeds

Shiftin my steez above the 33rd degrees

Hotter than the 100 degrees in the sun with no breeze

My ability wouldn't allow me to go out willingly

I'm a asset, not a liability

Bitches be eye-fuckin, hope I die fuckin

Why you livin your life if you ain't livin for nothin

If I point at you with my point of view

I'ma show you what the power of the pen can do


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Other Edo.G song Lyrics
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  • Questions
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    I put in work and overtime and over time and under time
    What I write y'all should highlight and underline
    And keep your ear to what I'm vibin to..."

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