Edwin Mccain - Farewell To Tinkerbell Lyrics

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Artist: Edwin Mccain
Edwin Mccain Author
Album: Scream and Whisper (2004)
Edwin Mccain - Scream and Whisper Album
Song Title: Farewell To Tinkerbell
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 1256
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Hey Tink it's me Peter, I know it's been a long, long time
I hope you and the lost boys are doing just as fine
As that time we showed that Captain Hook and Smee a thing or two
I think you know why I'm rhyming and I hope that you're not blue

You see I'll keep you in my heart and you'll always be my friend
But I can't come back to Neverland again

You see I've found this great adventure and it's stronger than the Pan
And the path that I follow will help me be a man
And I know there will be times that I will wish for fairy's dust
You know I've found a good woman and she's cleaning up the rust

From this battered-up heart that's made of junkyard tin
But I can't come back to Neverland again
No I can't come back to Neverland again

I still want to hear the stories of treasure ships and fights
And all the daring rescues and all the full moon nights
Sprinkled with the light from stars above
And Tink you know you'll always have my everlasting love

So just clap your hands and count back down to ten

But I can't come back to Neverland again
No I can't come back to Neverland again

And the years will pass and all my hair turns gray
And I'll hear your voice while my grandkids play

And feel your mischief as they kick me in my shins

But I can't come back to Neverland again
No I can't come back to Neverland again
No I can't come back to Neverland again
No I can't come back to Neverland again

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Scream and Whisper" album, click "Edwin Mccain Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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