Edwin Mccain - How Can You Say That Lyrics

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Artist: Edwin Mccain
Edwin Mccain Author
Song Title: How Can You Say That
Visits: 758
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The air that you breathe it must be poison

And you're dressed up in your best disguise

I don't want to hear what you have to say

It's there in your eyes when you look away

These beautiful words are turning into lies


How can you say that to me

The light that still shines is just an illusion

Just a memory from a burned out star

Its promise has come from so far away

It's fighting through sadness and years of decay

And it's a wonder it ever made it this far


After all of those secrets you let me believe

There's no rose petal air, there's just thorns when I breathe

How can you say that

It's not this silence that screams in my mind

Each day I feel like I'm falling behind

Living in shadows, still getting burned

When will I ever learn


After all those secrets you let me believe

There's no rose petal air, there's just thorns when I breathe

How can you say that to me

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