Edwyn Collins - The Beatles Lyrics

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Artist: Edwyn Collins
Edwyn Collins Author
Song Title: The Beatles
Visits: 741
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let's hear it for the first beatle
let's hear it for the worst beatle
let's hear it for the best beatle
the had to get it off his chest beatle
let's hear it for the lost beatle
the art at any cost beatle
the beatle with the sense of taste beatle
who never learned to play his bass beatle

let's hear it for the I me mine
speed and wine
the Reeperbaum or die
but the scorpio on the rise
was the cancer in disguise

let's hear it for the fab beatles
the ones who drove the teens mad beatles
let's hear it for the cute beatle
let's hear for the fat beatle
let's hear it for the quiet beatle
let's hear it for the gauche beatle
let's hear it for the beatle people
the rattling their jewels people

I me mine
Brian Epstein
America or die
Did he trade the merchandise
For a slice of apple pie?

let's hear it for the fifth beatle
let's hear it for the gay beatle
let's hear it for the drugged beatle
the all you need is love beatles
and the love that fell apart beatles
and how they broke the nation's heart, beatles
so let's hear it for the new beatles
the really haven't got a clue beatles

let's hear it for the
I me mine
Alan Klein
a slice of apple pie
me myself and I
and a slice of apple pie

I me mine
Alan Klein
a slice of apple pie
but the catcher in the rye
was the reaper in disguise

so sad about the dead beatle

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Other Edwyn Collins song Lyrics
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    And I've never met a girl like you before..."
  • Never Felt Like This
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    A different way of seeing
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    It seems I've stolen every scene..."
  • Mine Is At
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    Just for a ruse
    No stars for company
    Just a bottle of booze..."
  • No Idea
    "Watching the world from the corner of your eye
    You're quite content to let life pass you by
    You're numb to everything and everyone
    You've no idea..."
  • Back to the Back Room
    "I've been doing a power of thinking
    The Good Ship Lollipop is sinking
    But I've been having such a good time
    Just watching from the shoreline..."
  • Splitting Up
    "To anyone who's followed me
    I offer my apologies
    I'm splitting up
    I can't afford to compromise..."
  • Johnny Teardrop
    "Now that you've broke your heart
    How long before the teardrops start?
    And 'til those tears subside
    You'd better find some place to hide..."
  • 20 Years Too Late
    "Hello chaos my old friend
    We finally got there in the end
    I found a loophole in the law
    I stumbled then I crawled through..."

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