Eels - If I Was Your Girlfriend Lyrics

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Artist: Eels
Song Title: If I Was Your Girlfriend
Visits: 651
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(by Prince)

Look at the bargains over here, ladies... If I was your girlfriend

Would U remember

2 tell me all the things U forgot when I was your man?

When I was your man If I was your best friend

Would U let me take care of U

And do all the things that only a best friend can

Only best friends can If I was your girlfriend

If I was your girlfriend If I was your girlfriend

Would U let me dress U

I mean, help U pick out your clothes

Before we go out Not that you're helpless

But sometime, sometime

Those are the things that bein' in love's about If I was your one and only friend

Would U run 2 me if somebody hurt U

Even if that somebody was me? (Even if that somebody was me?) Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be

Please If I was your girlfriend

If I was your girlfriend Would U let me wash your hair

Could I make U breakfast sometime

Or then, could we just hang out, I mean

Could we go 2 a movie and cry together

Cuz 2 me baby that would be so fine (That would be so fine) (If I was your girlfriend)

Baby can I dress U

I mean, help U pick out your clothes

Before we go out

(If I was your girlfriend)

Listen girl, I ain't sayin you're helpless

But sometime, sometime

Those are the things that bein' in love's about (Sugar) Sugar do U know what I'm saying 2 U this evening? (Sugar)

Maybe U think I'm being a little self-centered (If I was your girlfriend)

But I, I said I want 2 be (Sugar)

All of the things U are 2 me (Sugar) (If I was your girlfriend)

Surely, surely U can see Is it really necessary 4 me 2 go out of the room

Just because U wanna undress? (If I was your girlfriend)

We don't have 2 make children 2 make love

And we don't have 2 make love 2 have an orgasm (If I was your girlfriend) Your body's what I'm all about (If I was your girlfriend)

Can I see it?

I'll show U (If I was your girlfriend)

Why not?

U can do it because I'm your friend

I'll do it 4 U

Of course I'll undress in front of U! (If I was your girlfriend)

And when I'm naked, what shall I do?

How can I make U see that it's cool? (If I was your girlfriend)

Can't U just trust me?

If I was your girlfriend U could (If I was your girlfriend)

Oh, yeah, I think so

Listen, 4 U naked I would dance a ballet (If I was your girlfriend)

Would that get U off?

Then tell me what will!

If I was your girlfriend, would U tell me? (If I was your girlfriend)

Would U let me see U naked then?

Would U let me give U a bath?

Would U let me tickle U so hard U'd laugh and laugh (If I was your girlfriend)

And would U, would U let me kiss U there (If I was your girlfriend)

You know down there where it counts (If I was your girlfriend)

I'll do it so good I swear I'll drink every ounce

And then I'll hold U tight and hold U long (If I was your girlfriend) And together we'll stare into silence

And we'll try 2 imagine what it looks like

Yeah, we'll try 2 imagine what, what silence looks like

Yeah, we'll try 2 imagine what silence looks like

Yeah, we'll try...

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