Eerie Von - Whats The Count Jack? Lyrics

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Artist: Eerie Von
Song Title: Whats The Count Jack?
Visits: 789
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What's the count Jack?

I long for peace of mind
Tortured and thrilled at the same time
Betrayed by a bitch and her kiss
Wait until they get a good look at this

What's the count Jack?
What's the count Jack?
What's the count Jack?
What's the count Jack?
What's the count Jack?
What's the count Jack?

I knock on wood just for luck
The death of hope down a dark alley block
Relieved by the knife left in her back
So ask yourself now, what's the count Jack?

What's the count Jack?

Here's a hook to hang your guilt upon
I left you two rings, two cents, and two combs
All of you fooled by the rapture of man
Ask yourself now, what's the count my friend?

What's the count Jack?
What's the count Jack?
What's the count Jack?

To rip the bitch wide and crawl inside
My heart leaps out into the night
And so the thrill left a mark on her back
So ask yourself now, what's the count Jack?

Here's a hook to hang your guilt upon
I left you two rings, two cents, and two combs
All of you fooled by the rapture of man
What's the count my friend?

Two rings, two cents, and two combs
Here's a hook to hang your guilt upon
All of you fooled by the rapture of man
Ask yourself now, what's the count my friend?

What's the count Jack?

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  • Madonnica Diabolita
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  • Sell My Soul (Maybe I Will)
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    Give my like to that rock and roll
    Down on my knees howlin' like a dog
    Prayin' to my God, lookin' for the right road..."
  • The First Hymn
    "And so I chose the night to be my dominion
    Beauty, hope and joy all lay behind
    All things good were no longer my companions
    Buried with the soul that I let die..."
  • The Inferno Room
    "She trembled like a virgin movin' toward her wedding bed
    Stumbled down that hallway like the dawn of the dead
    Crept in like a creature, tryin' to crawl right through your soul
    She brought in a winter chill that stayed till she was gone..."
  • The Sum Of Love
    "Tortured soul, you, you long for one
    Greater than the sum of love
    Gone forever is the morning sun
    Can it be forever gone..."

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