Eidolon - Apathy For A Dying World Lyrics

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Artist: Eidolon
Eidolon Author
Album: Apostles Of Defiance (2004)
Eidolon - Apostles Of Defiance Album
Song Title: Apathy For A Dying World
Genre: Metal
Visits: 661
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Closing my eyes from a cynical world left behind
Memories gone without a trace
Emotional burnout - time spinning out of control
Diseases and wars from predictions of past
Taking fruition - how long can this last??
Making my solace - erasing the pain as I fly

I'll equipped to comprehend
Modern day madness - can't fight to defend
My head tilted towards graying skies
Scriptures - now ponder as those passing by
What does this mean? A part of the grand scheme?
I seek the answers - is the message all to clear?
The world is sifting through a gradual demise
The pain it brings to me - I focus through
It helps me to remain

Leaving the pain as I drift so far away
Masking my grief - I now seek a better place

Why do we have this pain?
Why do we need to hate?
What do we have to gain?

I open my eyes - not to find a guilt or remorse
Finding my way - now to face the imminent storm....

Why do we have this pain?
Why do we have to hate?
Why can't we all create?
Unification - to be as one

A beaming light penetrates the blackened sky
Angelic vision - I shudder to believe
You seek the truth - inquisition with no answers
To take my hand - reveals the answers you have never found

You choose to follow - the grand exit with no return
The warm light's invitation - glows upon my face
My hand extended - to rid myself this pain and anguish
Rising above the clouds - I turn to give the world - final embrace

The final embrace

What does this mean? A part of the grand scheme
I seeked the answers - now the message - all too clear
The world is sifting through a gradual demise
My life has come to pass - with apathy I glide towards the sky:

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