Eiffel 65 - Living in a Bubble Lyrics
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Eiffel 65 Singer Lyrics
Living in a Bubble Song Lyrics
Eiffel 65
Europop (0)
Song Title:
Living in a Bubble
Dance: Pop
Print Version
the bubbles are not reality but its inside your mind,
making you forget where youre from and whats behind.
isnt it suspicious how the world is now your friend,
getting in return 1.000 more than what you could ever send.
oh yeah
we live in a bubble baby.
a bubbles not reality.
you gotta have a look outside.
nothing in a bubble, is the way its supposed to be,
and when it blows youll hit the ground.
oh yeah
the bubbles are not reality but its inside your mind,
making you forget where youre from and whats behind.
isnt it suspicious how the world is now your friend,
getting in return 1.000 more than what you could ever send.
the bubble doesnt make you but its you that makes the bubble,
and you better try to remember that its in your head.
the bubble is a very tricky thing all full of type and it is not easy
to try to see the way things are theyll always be.
we live in a bubble baby.
a bubbles not reality.
you gotta have a look outside.
nothing in a bubble, is the way its supposed to be,
and when it blows youll hit the ground.
we live in a bubble baby.
but its not the place to be.
cause its a place of lies and hype.
dont believe the bubble cause its nothing but a dream,
and when it blows youll be alone.
oh yeah
living in the city
living for the go
one for the money
two for the show.
i spend a lot of cash
and i buy a new house
everybody just a watch
while me drive my big car.
i have everything
and nothing is missing
spending all my time
hugging and kissing.
sleeping in the most
expensive hotels
hanging out with the most
beautiful girls.
everywhere i go people just follow me.
im famous, and im on every screen.
i travel around the world in my private jet.
i see my face in every magazine.
my nick name is vip.
life has become everything that i see.
i got my name up in the stars.
famous all over from here straight to mars.
Living in a Bubble Lyrics
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its another race from outer space.
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and ive been to the edge.
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Eiffel 65 Singer
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