Einherjer - Wolf-Age Lyrics

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Artist: Einherjer
Einherjer Author
Song Title: Wolf-Age
Genre: Rock
Visits: 706
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Axe-age kstid
Sword-age Sverdtid
Wolf-age Vargtid

I saw the doombringer coming to call
In form of the blind
And the arrow of fraud
Pierced through the skin of the fair
In accents of despair
As he died away
Borne throughout the misty air
The sun turned pale and no one spoke
Vows were sworn that very night
This death will be avenged

I saw the ship burning floating away
As a funeral pyre
To be claimed by the sea
A biting sarcasm rose
Whence the sly one fled
Hence the bondage of blood
Burned throughout the misty air
Ringhorn disappeared and no one spoke
Vows were sworn that very night
This death will be avenged

I saw the darkness descend upon the nine worlds
To enhance the coming of the end
All-Father then stod up and addressed upon the nine worlds
Axe-age, Sword-age, Wolf-age

Northwards and netherwards for nine nights through darkness
And through the vastness of Vid
Towards the ninth realm for nine nights through darkness
Axe-age, Sword-age, Wolf-age

Northwards and netherwards the eight-hooves were pounding
Through mist and pathways of death
Across the burning bridge the eight-hooves were pounding
Axe-age, Sword-age, Wolf-age

I felt the darkness increase upon the nine worlds
The winter tighened its grip
Grim Fimbul rage addressed upon the nine worlds
Axe-age, Sword-age, Wolf-age

I saw the wolf-age coming to call
In form of the blind
And the arrow of fraud
Seeds of destruction were sowed
By the hands of doom
And by daring the meek
Tears thou kept to thouself
To avoid his return
To be wept of out Hel
Shields shall be cloven in vain
For this act of deceit
As the fate has forseen-aca

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Other Einherjer song Lyrics
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    Await the seething tide
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  • Ware Her Venom
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  • Dragons Of The North
    "As blood for wolves for riches and lust
    Onward with hammers to chest
    Villages burn, burn citys to dust
    And for fun they tortue the rest..."
  • Dreamstorm
    "For ages I have drifted
    Through storms & mists of grey
    With knowledge I've been gifted
    path to lead me way..."
  • Storms Of The Elder
    "Awaken thou one eyed God
    Rise again from the slumber!
    Give us a touch of the elder strenght
    Flowing in your veins..."
  • Aurora Borealis
    "A freezing winter sweeps the land
    A creeping frost sets in
    The fog encircles the castle
    Surrounded by a total silence..."
  • Witchking
    "On the northern winds I ride
    Under a dead and pale sky
    With a black cloak of ravenwings
    That carry me over the gloomy hemisphere..."
  • Einherjer
    "Fra sin sjels side han vandret
    Over heden han gikk
    Med valkyriene ved sin side
    Til Vahall der han re fikk..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Blot" album, click "Einherjer Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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