Ekolu - Tia Lyrics

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Artist: Ekolu
Song Title: Tia
Visits: 941
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Ohh, Tia, Tia, Tia
Why do you have to go
Why don't stay awhile
Let me take a look at your smile
And tell me what's on your mind

Is there someone out there that you love
Is he someone you're always thinking of
Does he know that you feel this way
Tia, don't let your heart starve another day

Ohh, Tia, Tia, Tia
Why do you have to go
Why don't stay awhile
Let me take a look at your smile
And tell me what's on your mind

T is for the tenderness in you
I is for your inspiration
A is for admiring the things you do
Girl, let him see all these things I see in you

Ohh, Tia, Tia, Tia
Why do you have to go
Why don't stay awhile
Let me take a look at your smile
And tell me what's on your mind

That's right, T-I-A, gonna be better someday
Take it easy, my sistah, you'll find a way
Cuz I know it's not easy what you're going through
Man, dealing with your drama and feeling blue
Gotta find the inner strength, try to ease the pain
Find the rainbow, the sunshine, and chase the rain
Let me see the pretty smile that we all once knew
If you think it's that bad, you got friends that love you

Ohh, Tia, Tia, Tia
Why do you have to go
Why don't stay awhile
Let me take a look at your smile
And tell me what's on your mind

Is there someone out there that you love
Is he someone you're always thinking of
Does he know that you feel this way
Tia, don't let your heart starve another day

Ohh, Tia, Tia, Tia
Why do you have to go
Why don't stay awhile
Let me take a look at your smile
And tell me what's on your mind

Tell me what's on your mind
Tell me what's on your mind
Tell me what's on your mind
Tell me what's on your mind
Tell me what's on your mind

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Other Ekolu song Lyrics
  • Honestly
    "I love you, I need you,
    To hold me every night.
    And when you're feeling lonely,
    Girl I'll be by your side...."

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