Elected - Go On Lyrics
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Go On Song Lyrics
Song Title:
Go On
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Would you do something for yourself, mom,
and get the hell out of the house.
Would you do something for your son, mom,
and stop taking all these pills.
Cause its cold in December
and there's reason to stay in
and I wanna see you win.
You're on the deck of that ship.
Yeah, you're sailing away.
The sun looks right on your face.
Without a reason to believe in something,
could do most anything.
Well you told me someplace,
but I can't remember when.
It was a long time ago,
maybe the first day of school,
going to visit dad.
I was scared, but you told me
I could bolt if I wanted.
I was only nine, but I went.
So go on and make your families proud.
Just like you always do.
Just like they want you to.
My old girlfriend's studying medicine.
Would you save my life if I got sick?
Haven't seen you in a while.
How have you been.
Of course, if you have the right insurance, friend.
And I think if we got back together again,
you know, give it a run.
You know, you were my first love.
You're very drunk, and we were very young.
I'm goin to see this guy and it might be love.
Yeah, I think he might be the one.
If you get married, can I come?
I gotta see this!
Well go on and dig your holes in this ground.
Yeah, go on and lay your tired bodies down.
Just like you're going to.
Just like the expect you to.
And I've been thinking of moving away.
And now that we've had this talk,
I definitely may.
Well, now go on and break your word
and it'll break me down.
And I'll go on and I'll break
every last thing in this house.
Just like I'm going to.
Just like you expect me to.
Now go on and make your family proud.
Now go on and stake your claim in this ground.
Now go on and take that last drink down.
And then I'll get you through
What did they put you through
Go On Lyrics
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Other Elected song Lyrics
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It was the seventh of September; the day that I surrendered.
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Do you think you could?IWish You Would.
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Waves roll on by. Waves roll on by.
Life, pass on by. Life, pass on by.
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You finally chased the rest of them away...."
CMon Mom
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I'm so scared.
All you things you told me are coming true.
C'mon, now...."
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Elected Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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