Electrafixion - Never Lyrics

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Artist: Electrafixion
Song Title: Never
Visits: 793
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Feeling sick

And i need a fix

The one won't get


The lights are on

In heaven no one's home

I need to tell

Of how i fell

Into a one way

No hold's spell

I thought i had the answers

Now i don't know


Now, n-now, now, now

Now, n-now, now, now

Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now

(all the thing's)

Now, n-now, now, now

(we'll never do)

Now, n-now, now, now

(no, no)


Comes the breeze

My heart is dying on it's knees

The bizzard's on

No way home

The thief's gone down

________ the frill

I'm left to shiver in the chill

Everything is gone

And i'm alone



All the people

We'll never be

No now, n-now, now, now (no)

Now, n-now, now, now (no)

Now, n-now, now, now (no)

Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now

(all the thing's)

Now, n-now, now, now

(we'll never do)

Now, n-now, now, now

_________on high

And so am i

The truth just goes

To prove the lies

So open up the gate

To let me in

I'm not gonna feel the same again

It's memories in the falling rain

I feel like going straight in again


Now, n-now, now, now (no)

Now, n-now, now, now (no)

Now, n-now, now, now (no)

Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now

(all the thing's)

Now, n-now, now, now

(we'll never do)

Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now

(all the thing's)

Now, n-now, now, now

(we'll never do)

Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now


Now, n-now, now, now

(all the thing's)

Now, n-now, now, now

(we'll never do)

Now, n-now, now, now


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    And down below..."
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    Don't try to catch me
    When i fall
    I don't belong..."
  • ...Show All

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