Electrafixion - Zephyr Lyrics

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Artist: Electrafixion
Song Title: Zephyr
Visits: 752
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Can you be the one

To help me understand myself

The one and only one

Is it you and no one else

Can you shoot the veins

That others only dream about

Can you light the fire

When all my flames are dying out

Can you be the one

Can you be the one

Can you be the one

Can you be the one

Tell me about my life

Tell me about my world

Tell me about your life

Tell me about your world

__________ the crowd

Aim above and out beyond

Leave the common ground

You never wanted to belong

The sky is open wide

Light the fuse and take a ride

Leave it all behind

Dig in deep and push aside

You know you're the one

You know you're the one

You know you're the one

You know you're the one

Tell me about my life

Tell me about my world

Tell me about your life

Tell me about your world

Shoot them down

They want to drag you down

Got to see

They're your enemies

Shoot them down

They want to drag you down

Got to see

They're your enemies

Listen, you can't even see

What this world has done to me

Done to me

Done to me

Can you be the one

To help me understand myself

The one and only one

Is it you and no one else

Can you shoot the veins

That others only dream about

Can you light the fire

When all my flames are dying out

Can you be the one

Can you be the one

Can you be the one

Can you be the one

Tell me about my life

Tell me about my world

Tell me about your life

Tell me about your world

Tell me about my life

Tell me about my world

Tell me about your life

Tell me about your world

Tell me about my world

Tell me about my world

Tell me about my world

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Other Electrafixion song Lyrics
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    Burning bed of nails
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    Got the need..."
  • Feel My Pulse
    "What goes up
    Must come down
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    Can't be found..."
  • Hit By Something
    "Try to ride it
    Try to hide it
    Deep inside it
    Try to love it..."
  • Lowdown
    "It's the twists and turns
    Of the cigarette burns
    The holes in the mind
    Of the nebulous mass..."
  • Mirrorball
    "All the world is sleeping
    I can close my eyes
    What's the darkness keeping
    One more time to die..."
  • Never
    "Feeling sick
    And i need a fix
    The one won't get
    The lights are on..."
  • Sister Pain
    "Hey little sister pain
    Scarred with the taste of angels
    My little keeper of pain
    Hanging over my dark craddle..."
  • Timebomb
    "Easy it comes
    And easy it goes
    Over my head
    And down below..."

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