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Lost In Space Song Lyrics
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Tell me what the space man said in 1967
Tell me what my mother said when I was too young to listen
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
Tell me what the space men said when they looked up to heaven
Tell me what the angels said, cause I don't think I'll be one
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I don't need your lullaby's (oh I...)
Don't believe in alibi's
Don't believe in second bye's
I believe again
Tell me where the space men go, cause I think I'll go join them
Tell me where the wise men go, cause I think I'll go be one
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I don't need your lullaby's (oh I...)
Don't believe in alibi's
Don't believe in second bye's
I believe again
Someone show me where to run
Show me where I'm coming from
Someone show me where I'm going wrong
Someone show me what I've done
Show me what I'm counting on
Someone show me what I'm doing wrong.
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I'm lost in space, I'm lost in time
I'm lost in space
| Lost In Space Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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