Electric Hell Fire Club - Unholy Roller Lyrics
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Electric Hell Fire Club Singer Lyrics
Unholy Roller Song Lyrics
Electric Hell Fire Club
Song Title:
Unholy Roller
Print Version
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
You know I just can't describe the feeling inside
when the music fills me with a sense of pride
that's why I can't understand how a rock and roll band
can play the devil's music without taking a stand
no, I can't abide the way they hide
that's the kind of lie that made me decide to be an
Unholy roller
A Satanic soldier
an Unholy Roller
'cause there's only one thing that's gonna save our souls, yea!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
The war is on, the lines are drawn
but there's a lot of people saying that we've already won
but how can they believe that we have reached the end
with "In God We Trust" on every dollar we spend?
I'm sick and tired of stupid Christians
trying to run my life with thier superstitions
look around - it's plain to see
the reasons why I will always be an
Unholy Roller
A Satanic soldier
an Unholy Roller
and the music won't stop until the war is over
Unholy, unholy roller
Unholy, unholy roller
Unholy, unholy roller
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey!
Sick and tired of stupid Christians
trying to run your life with thier superstitions
preaching love with words of hate
erasing the line between church and state
they wanna shut you up and knock you around
wipe the smile off your face and bring you down
but there is nothing they can do to change your view
if you're an Unholy Roller too - if you're an
Unholy Roller
A Satanic soldier
an Unholy Roller
'cause there's only one thing that's gonna save our souls
Unholy Roller
A Satanic soldier
an Unholy Roller
and the music won't stop until the war is over
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ Unholy Roller ]
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ A Satanic Soldier ]
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ an Unholy Roller ]
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ 'cause there's only one thing that's gonna save our souls, yea! ]
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ Unholy, unholy roller ]
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ Unholy, unholy roller ]
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ Unholy, unholy roller ]
S-A-T-A-N he's our man, hey! [ Unholy, unholy roller
Unholy Roller Lyrics
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Other Electric Hell Fire Club song Lyrics
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"Standing on the beach with a gun in my hand
Staring at the sea, staring at the sand
Staring down the barrel at the Arab on the ground
I can see his open mouth, but I hear no sound..."
Slaughter Of Elysium
"The human flock is bleating...
thier mindless, pointless feeding
makes them fat and lazy...
thier minds get dull and hazy..."
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