Electric Soft Parade - Why Do You Try So Hard To Hate Me? Lyrics

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Artist: Electric Soft Parade
Song Title: Why Do You Try So Hard To Hate Me?
Visits: 724
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Sometimes, I wake up in the sun
Everyday, it burns me like no-one
Could ever be like me
Everyone has faltered now we're gone

You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard to hate me?
You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard?

Sometimes, I wake up in the sun
Everyday, it burns me like no-one
Could ever be like me
Everyone has faltered now we're gone

You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard to hate me?
You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard to hate me?
You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard to hate me?
You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard?

So take your songs tonight
I don't feel the hurt inside
I am bruised and I am broken
And don't I feel the hurt inside
I am taking my exit now
I am making my exit now
And I'm not sure where I'll be

You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard to hate me?
You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard to hate me?
You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard to hate me?
You're so bitter, I don't get it
Why do you try so hard?

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Other Electric Soft Parade song Lyrics
  • Aerial Roots
    "Everything you do it takes a little while to follow
    If I can dream of a little silence in the room tonight
    And everything she does it seems I'll always want to quarrel
    If I can dream of a little silence in the room tonight..."
  • Biting The Soles Of My Feet (Same Way Every Day)
    "You don't get out much
    You hardly know what to decide
    And nothing ever gets you down
    You don't get up to much..."
  • Biting The Soles Of My Feet
    "You don't get out much, you're hardly locked inside
    And nothing ever gets you down
    You don't get up to much, and nothing comes of it
    And nothing ever gets you down..."
  • Broadcast
    "Sometimes I feel so alone
    I need something to hold
    Hope swallows me whole
    Time seems to fall..."
  • Bruxellisation
    "That could've been me, I don't know how
    The door was open, but I couldn't go
    And now the evening's here, you look so sad
    but nothing's changed since then..."
  • Chaos
    "Lift your head
    They're a thousand miles away
    Lift your heart
    The sky's not coming down today..."
  • Empty At The End
    "Stars at my window
    All say they don't know
    What is true
    In letters of blue..."
  • Existing
    "What have I done wrong now?
    I've made up my mind.
    Existing is easy,
    Living is hard...."

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