Elefante - La Que Se Fue Lyrics

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Artist: Elefante
Song Title: La Que Se Fue
Genre: Latin
Visits: 888
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There's an echo in the wind.
Makes me wonder where I've been.
All the years I've left behind
Faded pictures in my mind.
My barman's mandolin
Dancing in the air.
Here we are without a care.

Now it's hard for me to see.
It's not as easy as it used to be.
Though maybe yesterday is gone,
The things we shared were never wrong.

Come back, babe, I need you now.
And I know if you're out there
I'll find you somehow.
I want that feeling back again.

So we can be young and innocent.
When nothing mattered but the moment we were in.
Let's shut our eyes and pretend,
And maybe once again
We can be young and innocent.

Though maybe yesterday is gone,
The things we shared were never wrong.
Come back, babe, I need you now.
And I know if you're out there
I'll find you somehow.
I want that feeling back again.

So we can be young and innocent.
When all that mattered was the moment we were in.
Let's shut our eyes and pretend,
And maybe once again
We can be young.............
Oh, I want that feeling back again

Young and innocent.
When nothing mattered but the moment we were in.
Let's shut our eyes and pretend,
And maybe once again
We can be young and innocent.

Young and innocent.
Young and innocent.
Let's shut our eyes and pretend,
And maybe once again
We can be young and innocent.

Submitted by Michael Hack

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    Sabes que en el amor no hay medidas
    Y que las reglas a veces suelen ser, tu pesadilla..."
  • La Limpia
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    Han venido en busca de razones
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Exitos" album, click "Elefante Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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