Elegy - Lust for Life Lyrics

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Artist: Elegy
Elegy Author
Album: Supremacy (0)
Elegy - Supremacy Album
Song Title: Lust for Life
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 709
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Do you watch the shadows, dancing on your wall
Do you float in silence, praying for the night to fall
Baby, had to believe...

I'm holding on forever, you're in my golden arms
I slowly suffocate you, with my lucky charms
Why don't I set you free


When I close your eyes remember
There might not be another day
I hold you in my heart,
and I knew it from the start
but I couldn't let it win
I saw it in your eyes...
No lust for life

When you sleep you're crying, maybe you wish for death
When you look you're hiding, don't look away again
Where does it end...

There is a star descending, you reach and tough
the light
Your earthly body's fading, swallowed up by
the night
Down in the dark I stand...


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Other Elegy song Lyrics
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  • Beyond
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  • Shadow Dancer
    "The day the war was over, so the story goes
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  • Aladdins Cave
    "Do you feel the way I feel can you see things I see
    does your body sometimes feel so cold and empty
    Cum take my hand we'll go far away to a wonderland called Aladdins Cave
    have no fear now, walk across the waves abd discover how, how to be so brave..."
  • State Of Mind
    "When I look at myself frustration I try to hide
    when it cries cries out in vain then I can't resist or hide
    My state of mind state of mind
    Now the feelings from within tell the tale a life of sin..."
  • Destiny Calling
    "My memories clear as ever of a little boy
    I can see myself so full of wander a child so full of joy
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    For no apparent reason when the stakes were so high
    she started to play the losers game..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Supremacy" album, click "Elegy Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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