Elend - Ethereal Journey Lyrics

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Artist: Elend
Elend Author
Album: Les Tenebres Du Dehors (1996)
Elend - Les Tenebres Du Dehors Album
Song Title: Ethereal Journey
Genre: Classical: Neo-Classical
Visits: 765
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Vaste oceane stellate, virgo omnis malefici,
Est hospes mirus se mergens in sinum tuum.
Creaturam tuam custodi,
tempestate ignem arce,
Quem non restinguere potes.
Venit Lucifer!
Venit angelus mortis!

Luciferian Revolution!

Far beyond the sky,
Far beneath the heavens,
Where once before I died,
To perpetuate my hymen...

...with a star...
Heading for the open sky... where the flames
never dared to come...
The rays of the moon linking
the spheres... the molochian comets...

During my ethereal journeys,
With celestial glory and pride,
I will celebrate the day
When you become my bride.

To rape the shining stars in the secrets
of the dying light.
The starred delights will enrapture
my soul to insanity.
Rapturous elevation frightening
the God of Light.
I tear the flowers of the sky,
The firmaments of stars embosomed
in His Creation,
But the starlit ocean will not quench my
thirst for their glowing nectar:
I drained the wine of a thousand suns.

Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus,
Dominus deus sabaoth,
Pleni sunt caelum et terra gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis.

You are the light, I am the flame,
The freezing blow of my thoughts
unburns me
And I am dying but cannot die.

The divine has deserted the altar
Where your pain is multuplied in the prism
Of my lust witnessed by the stars.
The delight burns at its paroxism.

To rape the shining stars in the secrets
of the dying light.
The starred delights will enrapture
my soul to insanity.
Rapturous elevation frightening
the God of Light.
I was made the Morningstar,
Embowered from the night...
God of Lie, I am the Prince of Darkness,
the Star of Mourning
Hunting the light of salvation.

O Domine,
Dona nobis vim, ut eum oppugnemus.
In nos luminem perpetuum fundi iube.

You took the fire in my eyes
When I was starving of light.
You take delights in my cries
For I am dying but cannot die.

While entrusting the flame
to a celestial abyss,
I will get drunk of screaming and of pain,
And the silence and the night
will move at last unto me.

Far beyond the sky,
Far beneath the heavens
Where once before I died,
To perpetuate my hymen...

With a star

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Other Elend song Lyrics
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  • The Luciferian Revolution
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    Colores delectant, inebriant odores,
    At siccatur sinus perpetuo lacrimando......"
  • The Silence Of Light
    "I heal my wounds in
    the orchard of misery
    Where the fruits and the trees
    have turned to dust...."
  • Antienne
    "Errante ? jamais sous la lune blafarde et voil?e,
    Qui pleure la nuit, la pluie des douleurs ?ther?es,
    La pierre au doux visage, levant ses yeux ?toil?s,
    Guette l'?me seulette qui va au travers des cieux..."
  • Les Tenebres Du Dehors
    "Lamentorum tuorum error cordes nostra refrigerat,
    Lacrimarum tuarum tener ros adustiones mitigat...
    Stella diuma, caelum tuam lucem continere non potest...
    As I entered the limbs of solitude,..."
  • Weeping Night
    "The thousand sunsets are flaming
    Through the blood of the rainbows
    And the darkness of my eyes.
    Kiss my lips forlorn and dwell in me..."
  • The Embrace
    "From your embrace
    Where sleeps an eternal Night,
    Let me emerge and sing this Elendian plaint,
    For all the pearls have vanished that shone before...."
  • Ethereal Journeys
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    Est hospes mirus se mergens in sinum tuum.
    Creaturam tuam custodi,
    tempestate ignem arce,..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Les Tenebres Du Dehors" album, click "Elend Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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