Eleven Finger - Glimpse Lyrics

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Artist: Eleven Finger
Eleven Finger Author
Album: Famous (0)
Eleven Finger - Famous Album
Song Title: Glimpse
Visits: 810
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tell me what you need to hear and i'll tell it to you again
i can fake it all if you can too
will it stop from bleeding naturally enough
can i hold my tongue in silent the words are slow and repeating
i know you why don't you take what you need and then go away
i know you why don't you take what you need

die to get another glimpse in
so i'll watch the water rinse
until we all get washed away
i never needed someone comforting me

i don't think i told you how i feel tonight
you perfect little angel your beautiful even now
i know you why don't you take what you need and go away
i know you why don't you take what you need

die to get another glimpse
so i'll watch the water rinse
until we all get washed away
i never needed someone comforting me
down i go

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Other Eleven Finger song Lyrics
  • Bones And Joints
    "Cloud my eyes and tell me what to see
    I'm falling
    Every way I turn the same disease
    But I like it..."
  • Awake And Dreaming
    "i can't lose anything
    so what's left is mine
    and I win this time
    consolation day..."
  • Broken Words
    "Your sweet little hands
    Brush right past me
    Sometimes you don't understand
    Why you can't reach..."
  • Condenser
    "felt the best that i could feel censored every memory
    give me yours so I can feed mine
    anywhere but far away can't be what you meant to say
    I won't miss you in the meantime..."
  • Drag You Down
    "It's biting it's teething it's biting I'm bleeding
    It's calling it's crawling it's calling and I'm falling
    The perfect sound of middle ground
    Pull me under before I try to drag you down..."
  • Famous
    "Wait if everything's going great
    Can you remember a day to tell?
    If someone should wish you well
    Then there's a narrow chance..."
  • First Time
    "I had never thought
    we were hangin' on
    but the fall looks very far
    staring at the ground..."
  • For The Ocean
    "Without it I'm failing
    My heart waits in the wings alone
    The stages I go through
    Keep coming time and time and time again..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Famous" album, click "Eleven Finger Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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