Eligh - Intrusive Lady Lyrics
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Intrusive Lady Song Lyrics
Sidewaydaze (2000)
Song Title:
Intrusive Lady
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[Verse 1]
Now I hold her hand
In the back of my mind
Dancing in the Fields
Of gold Tress as she undresses
Son maters sunshine
To remind the soul
How blessed one man could be
If he could only find her highness
I get to knight this
Open meeting
Keep running into false hope
The wrong one
My hope is floating in the sewer
Can't keep me denied
Of the one I hold as precious as a
Place a necklace on the mantle
In the mansion of my heart
To gain a further understanding
Of the man I have to be
To capture woman Extraordinary
To the ordinary
Larry,Dick,Joe,and Barry weary
And what life is his planetary book
Easy can we locate with ease
The power to read the mind
Of female minds of thought
Unless I drop all insecurity's
To figure out impurity's
And purely im a hopeless romantic
In the way I know who she is
Sometimes I think I see her face
But just in case
I keep the searching up to par
Just the year from hitting bars
To park my ass amol these stools
Continue acting a fool
They say put your energy out there
And your bound to find the matching
Energy, but im pushing my portfolio
And getting no responses
No call back
My walls are rauqwist statistics
Sorry facts of cycles
Early fuckin messin up the rest
Of a certain something
Ending up with regret
Feeling depressed unless
The public with information
Who's in for waiting not I
See i've been denied
I got my eyes on this one young woman
Who's beautiful like a scape
I hope to snatch her out
This hellish day
To eloquently satisfy
Her misconception's of this man
Who's skinny frame will only large
Enclose the margin
Bargin brands are further
Down the food chain
See i higher than u think
Come take a drink
Get off your high horse
Your prized posesion
Lays within inexterior's
Inferior brands
It seems the inferior man
Always gets what he believe's
In a way it's a sin to be picky
Of precise with the nice of nice
I'm on the fight squad
The captain of getting what I want
Have it your way
I want what I can get
One that I feel the most
So I toast the man and woman
who know they belong together
Cause for all I know
I could be searching this earth forever
[chorus: repeat 2X]
I toast the man and woman
who they know belong together
Cause for all I know I could be searching
This earth forever
[Verse 2]
Similes stay simple
Me you say to me
You speak that poetry
really cant interpretate
What you equate Emotionally
Attached to all the physical
Attacks of love and
human naturality
But its a formality
And woman I don't need you
Explaining to me
Conversations with myself
I can brake down
how you feel for me
Imaginary looks
Writing my books
On how it should be for me
On this earth we miss our looks
Keep missing certain looks
It seems that Destiny's are crooks
They only want the richer fold it
Cant add up to the space
Thats accumulated
By live it all these months and days
And waste
Diamond lace your highness
Waste my stylist with your profile
just once.....
Intrusive Lady Lyrics
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