Eligh - Positive Dreams Lyrics

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Artist: Eligh
Eligh Author
Album: Sidewaydaze (2000)
Eligh - Sidewaydaze Album
Song Title: Positive Dreams
Visits: 805
Print Version

"99. Yeah. Positive Dream. Positive Dream. Yeah. What's up? Yeah. Positive Dream. Positive DREAM"

(Verse 1)

"A perfect picture painted, inside my mind

see I be dreaming 'bout the things that I want

Sometimes don't make too much sense

The feeling's always intense I deal with self confidence

Hop a fence with my father, we're in the ghettos of dreaming

I'm dreaming up with my partners in crime: Living Legends

Giving these times an open handed account of the things

that run through my brain when I'm asleep

A psycologyst would say they're all images I project

I say ideas I don't get yet

And still they invade my intake of sleep I peep

Repeats the places and persons dispersed in Random occurrences

Currently junior high school yards are the main points of interest

In one instant I had a childhood crush,

Hold my hand then explain that she had cancer of full bearing improperties

And I, felt the pain never thought about Elaine in the same content

Here and there I take a nap and feel the lain contents of eyelids describing

My likeness as an alien abductee wandering a parking lot with people I never met

Everyone's running and screaming but I'm stuck in cement

Feel like a bed of the light, as I'm pulled likeDr. Spock

Take a walk on the ship

No I'm in bed sweating and shit

I wanna bet on nonbelievers that I've been to the outer limits

But to them it's a gimmick

except for homies like Aesop

who dream heavy like Napalm bein dropped,

With no warning

Fuckin exhausted in the morning

I'm in mounring"


"(These) persons and places and things, Sometimes don't make sense to sing

out loud to be proud of the way that I work hard to bring,

New rhymes and substance through processing dreams" (2x)

(verse 2)

"Using my ways of the world that I've learned

to ensure my endurance through hardest of times

Using logic incorporating projects with folks provoking

(nonsense/conscience [same time]) elevation through rhyme

We are soldiers of a century determined by dreams with no dreams

We don't see why we're here

For this planet where we dropped off for seconds

Haven't learned all the lessons yet we all count all our blessings

Mounting to nothing is far from the truth see these boots are for prompting

Climbing and stomping

Naming off a certain something you've achieved might help a struggling parent

Raise their seed, until all these minds that are rusting completely

Are trusted with openness we could never hope to get anywhere

My rhymes stay repetitious with positive dreams... positive dreams"

"Positive dreams, staying alive, positive dreams"


(verse 3)

"Nothing is accomplished by dwelling on nonsense

Nothing is achieved through stagnant lead

Something is approached by a forward step

The early birds get the worm it's your turn to learn

Open up that book called your dreams take a look

Read about your life don't be threatened by the knife

Cutting through your (life/strife) is always running through your life

I tell my self just not to stress take up new light

Nothing is hated that can't be loved

Something is created through the ultimate love

If your hating on hatred, love's got the golden glove

Sock that bitch in the face and raise your soul above"

"Time to make a change, man and stop looking

so negative on everything. Fuck that shit dude. Fuck that shit."


(verse 3 #2)

"Nothing is accomplished by dwelling on nonsense

Nothing is achieved through stagnant lead

Something is approached by a forward step

The early birds get the worm it's your turn to learn

Open up that book called your dreams and take a look

Read about your life don't be threatened by the knife

Cutting through strife that's always running through your life

I tell my self just not to stress take off the shelf a new light

Nothing is hated that can't be loved

Something is created through the ultimate love

If your hating on hatred, love's got the golden glove

Sock that bitch in the face and raise your soul above"

"Positive dreams. Call them shits like positive dreams

positive dreams. yeah. Positive dreams"


"Positive dreams. Living legends. Melancholy Gypsys.

1999. Enjoy the beat. Let it rise. Positive dreams"

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