Elin Sigvardsson - When It Comes To You Lyrics

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Artist: Elin Sigvardsson
Song Title: When It Comes To You
Visits: 698
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I have given all my life to you,
Still I can?t see you through.
I?ve been waiting for a star to fall
And I?ve come to the point where I can?t stand one more single lie,
No more lies.
You gave me gold and I called you teaser
But you told all your friends: ?It was just to please her?.
How come every road I walk is winding,
When I can watch from behind as you are sliding?

I believe in life,
I believe in dreams,
I believe in everything in between,
But I know for sure my love is more than you can retrieve.
I gave it all, I got it back, right in the face it?s just the fact
That my pure love has turned to hate when it comes to you...

He turns page in his magazine
And I watch him putting on that grin,
Then I say it all out loud.
That I?ve come to the point where I can?t stand one more single lie,
No more lies.
As the color of his face starts turning
I take my chance to say what I?d like him to learn
And what gets me the most is that he's always sliding,
When every road I walk seems to be winding?

I believe in life,
I believe in dreams,
I believe in everything in between,
But I know for sure my love is more than you can retrieve.
I gave it all, I got it back, right in the face it's just the fact
That my pure love has turned to hate when it comes to you...

I have given all my life to you
Still I can?t see you through.
I?ve been waiting to for a star to fall.
And I?ve come to the point where I can?t stand one more single lie,
No more lies.

I believe in life,
I believe in dreams,
I believe in everything in between,
But I know for sure my love is more than you can retrieve.
I gave it all, I got it back, right in the face it?s just the fact
That my pure love has turned to hate when it comes to you...

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  • Dear I
    "Dear eye, don?t cry until it?s over.
    You?re fine and your looks won?t grow older.
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  • Falling In His Arms
    "everything is over
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