Elisa - Life Goes On Lyrics

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Artist: Elisa
Elisa Author
Album: Pearl Days (2004)
Elisa - Pearl Days Album
Song Title: Life Goes On
Genre: Pop
Visits: 938
Print Version

Working in a little ice cream factory
Breathing the air in your small town
And the sun sets down on you now
Fifteen twenty or thirty people
Walking on the street
Together singing songs
And the season changes
There will be new roses

Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too
Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too

But they?ve bombed the buildings
And they have killed
You are a pregnant twenty-two year old girl
Left in tears
But your heart is full of hope
Looking in your eyes
Holding his daughter in his arms
After a year he?s back
And the war was over
You were still together

Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too
Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too

Twenty-four years now have gone by
And it?s your time to walk your way
You?re a dreamer
You?re a rebel
And you will suffer and you will fight
And you will sacrifice yourself
But you believed in love
Funny how your man will betray you
And in the meantime your love will save you, you see?

Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too
Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too
Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too
Life goes on
Here and beyond that horizon
It goes on and it changes
And it changes you too

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Other Elisa song Lyrics
  • Together
    "Together, here we are, boy and girl walk alone
    Together moving like clouds
    Together billions the soldiers of love in the dark
    Together until one will see the light..."
  • Bitter Words
    "I don?t know if I?ll ever tell you this story
    I don?t even know whether we?ll have the chance
    I don?t know if you?ll ever see me shaking like this
    I?m not sure I can open my door to more?..."
  • Pearl Days
    "Nothing can shine and show completely
    when it's all covered in dust
    as much as time can burn the colors off my
    paper photographs..."
  • Joy
    "We?ll walk all the way down this road
    We?ll hold each other?s hand
    We?ll watch all the colors and their fades
    And sometimes we?ll swallow discomfort to be happy..."
  • Written In Your Eyes
    "Strange how we?re both talking
    It seems like we?re just saying nothing
    And in the meanwhile we?re both hoping
    In the meanwhile we both know..."
  • City Lights
    "Get back on the road
    Turn those headlights on
    You know it?s still dark
    And a long way to your home..."
  • In the Green
    "Just like Queens, the leaves move gently as their shadows obey with natural
    Would they mind me? If they knew that I'm here watching and I am wishing I could
    dance like them?oh?oh..."
  • I Know
    "Tell me about the place you?re from
    Tell me about the things you?ve done
    Tell me what you really need
    Tell me what just makes you bleed..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Pearl Days" album, click "Elisa Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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