Ella Fitzgerald - Lets Take A Walk Around The Block Lyrics

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Artist: Ella Fitzgerald
Ella Fitzgerald Author
Album: The Harold Arlen Songbook (Volume One) (1961)
Ella Fitzgerald - The Harold Arlen Songbook  (Volume One) Album
Song Title: Lets Take A Walk Around The Block
Genre: Jazz
Visits: 772
Print Version

I never traveled further North than old Van Courtland Park
and never further South than the aquarium
I've seen the charm of Jersey City, but first let me remark
I saw it from the empire state solarium

But we've been putting nickels in the postal savings bank
and when those nickels pile up, we can toddle off in swank
and I don't mean an ordinary cook's tour
I mean a cabin de-luxe tour

Someday we'll go places
New lands and new faces
The day we quit punching the clock
The future looks pleasant,
But at present
Let's take a walk around the block.

You're just the companion
I want at Grand Canyon
for throwing old blades down the rock
The money we have`ll go for travel
Meantime, let's walk around the block.

Gangway, we'll begin
When our, ship comes in
I'll sit on your lap
All over the map

To London in May time
To Venice in play time
To Paris in time for a frock
To Boston in bean time
Darling, meantime
Let's take a walk around the block.


In Winter at Christmas,
We'll visit the isthmus
And see how they lock up a lock
And then in Caracas, on a jackass,
We'll take a ride around the block.

We'll keep to our promise,
To visit St. Thomas
And then at Jamaica we'll dock
The prospect is thrilling,
Still I am willing,
Just now to walk around the block.

Onward, to Cathay
Then to Mandalay
Boom on to Bangkok
P'r'aps Vladivostok

We'll send the folks cables
Accumulate labels
Buy souvenirs till we're in hock
But since we are flat in old Manhattan
Let's take a walk around the block.

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    I've got you, deep in the heart of me
    So deep in my heart that you're really a part of me
    I've got you, under my skin..."
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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "The Harold Arlen Songbook (Volume One)" album, click "Ella Fitzgerald Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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