Ellen Foley - Whats The Matter Baby Lyrics

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Artist: Ellen Foley
Ellen Foley Author
Song Title: Whats The Matter Baby
Visits: 721
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I know the reason you've been cryin'
And I heard she won't be needin' you
How does it feel, bein' the one left behind
(What's the matter baby) What's the matter baby, is she hurtin' you?

And I heard you found out she's been cheatin'
Oh yeah and I heard she even felt that she was untrue
Well how does it feel being on the outside lookin' in
(What's the matter baby) What's the matter baby, is she hurtin' you?

What's the matter baby, is she hurtin' you?
What's the matter baby, is she hurtin' you?

Remember, remember when I needed you so bad
Remember, what you had to say
You told me to go, find another shoulder to cry on
You left, you left and then you walked away
I know, I know that you've been askin' about me
(What's the matter baby) well I'm sorry baby but I've got somebody new
Whoa, whoa, whoa my hurt, my hurt, my hurt is just about over
Well let me tell you somethin' baby, it's just startin' for you

What's the matter baby, is she hurtin' you?
What's the matter baby baby baby, that girl has she been hurtin' you?

What's the matter baby?

What's the matter, uh?
Come on boy, you can tell me
Remember I'm a very good friend of yours
Yes and I know a little bit about pain
Does it hurt?...
Does it hurt, uh? What's the matter baby?...

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