El-P - Squeegee Man Shooting Lyrics

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Artist: El-P
El-P Author
Album: Fandam Plus: Instrumentals Remixes Lyrics and Video (2002)
El-P - Fandam Plus: Instrumentals Remixes Lyrics and Video Album
Song Title: Squeegee Man Shooting
Genre: Dance
Visits: 858
Print Version

(F F) - A - A - N - N - T - T - T (Remember.. )

A - A - S - S - TTT - I - I (Remember.. )

C - C - D - D - A - A - M - M (Remember.. )

AAA - GGG - EEE (This is indelible.. ) E - E

Yo, 1985 got red top live and it was

Ten to the decibel, my lifelong prize, so I was

Part of the pack, pardon that, that's fact

I stole, part of a track and started to rap (map the growth)

Try to explain, okay, the Koch era frame

Hardly a game, no marketing just art in the train

Station Exchange, the flickered lights start to change

Same in the brain when I watched the walls spark names

Parked in the car with pa dukes at four deuce

There was a, Double rumble study kung fu loop

But we had, at the car wash that cost less cash, a blast

I'd imagine that the water was rising fast

Quarter in hand at the light for the squeegee man

Adult life squeegee man shot, cops hand

That's a lot of bad conversion, that's certain

Homeless hustle lost to the dark of the blue curtain

And it was fourth grade, I got high top played

Sported the black and red Jordan bootleg craze

And when the big kids zeroed in I'd wince

I haven't let my mother buy me bootleg since

(cuz' it was)

1985 got red top live and it was

ten to the decibel, my lifelong pride, so I was

part of the pack, pardon that, that's fact

I stole, part of a track and started to rap (map the growth)

1985 got red top live and it was

ten to the decibel, my lifelong pride, so I was

part of the pack, pardon that, that's fact

I stole, part of a track and started to rap (map the growth)

Get live y'all (live y'all) live y'all (live y'all)

live y'all (live y'all) live y'all (to the NYC)

Get live y'all (live y'all) live y'all (live y'all)

live y'all (live y'all) live y'all (live live live)

Get five ya'll (five y'all) five ya'll (five y'all)

five ya'll (five ya'll, to the Krazy Kings)

Get five ya'll (five y'all) five ya'll (five y'all)

five ya'll (five y'all) five five five

Trace back, trace the faces with the same life song

Different borough, same place, Eddie Murph got Raw

After class, got harassed, bully hurt us all

He tried to, run my Nintendo game in Fulton Mall

A fighter, that's what you made, now I fight for fun

I fight for acme lab rat experiment son

Pulsate like a Theremin rigged to big drums

Seen, Halloween battles in Brooklyn, eggs and shaving cream

We're gonna spray it on your whole damn team and then

Make the dash laughing bout the whole damn thing

We won, we can laugh about that, cause that's fun

In the 80's Deceps took fame (good run)

I took a name too, and so it begun

And wrote raps in my room, sipping Capri suns

In fact, studied the cadences of Kool Moe Dee and Rick

Put my name into their rhymes and then practiced it

Put my brain pattern on fly and I mastered it

Dad played jazz when he drank, it's no accident

Hands on the piano and make my foot tap to it

Different path, same love, Dad, thanks for passing it

1985 got red top live and it was

ten to the decibel, my lifelong pride, so I was

part of the pack, pardon that, that's fact

I stole, part of a track and started to rap (map the growth)

1985 got red top live and it was

ten to the decibel, my lifelong pride, so I was

part of the pack, pardon that, that's fact

I stole, part of a track and started to rap (map the growth)

(F F) - A - A - N - N - T - T - T (Remember)

A - A - S - S - TTT - I - I (Remember (indelible bankroll)

C - C - D - D - A - A - M - M (Remembe)

(Place no faith in the majority)

AAA - GGG - E - E - E - E (my rhyme is euthanasia)

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