El-P - Truancy Lyrics

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Artist: El-P
El-P Author
Album: Fandam Plus: Instrumentals Remixes Lyrics and Video (2002)
El-P - Fandam Plus: Instrumentals Remixes Lyrics and Video Album
Song Title: Truancy
Genre: Dance
Visits: 920
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I became toxic allotted in badly shaded cement fuselages

of juvenile non-approval and loosely smoker's school cut abandonment

Where great expected movement tossed itself to the brain otters and shakily

faded in my timeline to something honestly hard to stand

(if that's not a booby trap) I would muse, stepping on Nike Uptown abuse

Yeah the darkest blue swoosh and cathartic ruse faction of, a B-Boy enacted

as truly city all-bomber and my thoughts followed the color chart on the

A-train country, hovering under the A-Frame structures bloody

And if I closed my optics I could trace the lines lovely they said: You'll

start your life between pause tape slices and muddy

kicks that lick the salt off your neck

and its more than apparent your portable parent with the

built-in mic might like sinister syllable smart tongue more than your

teachers do, that's two schools booted from on some dumb shit

young menace, get the message, bad medicine, restless, sad jettison rejection

had to endith the lesson

I used to do an impression of Buff after lunch outside the cage, making faces

Kelley green with envy grimace, that's my gimmick

went with truancy and the bad apple, and it slowly formed my spirit

so when I couldn't fit the scholastic structure of my peers I didn't fear it

(and it was) air brush on the pants leg and, name cut in the back of the head and

cipher in the subway without money in my pocket then

recognize this is the new truth, we refuse to suckle the empires ruse

original box-cutter walker who talk to rebuild a new living proof

see me as a banshee, as the illest motherfucker since Oedipus

monkey number one million with a typewriter, flipping tempest text

left evidence, simple-headed vagrants try to chase where Forest's feather went

darts exit us, and still leave enough alive to join the exodus

fresh as fuck, best of luck, better lead banality rally quest

stuck writer might flip, vvvvvroooom! Excitebike bitch

enter the hellafied Fat-Boys-slash-BDP hybrid founder of

militant anti-mime fraction, operate on the fringes of establishment

binge on erratic shit, fabric knit, got you riverdancing in lederhosen for woodchips

step into the Def Jux office auditions like: "sausage"

Jam Master Jay would've shot you (I stopped him)

Sorcerer, nitroglycerin in truck driving through rainforest unstable

Rawkus was like, "we're gonna take this label to another level"

(fuck that) I'm gonna take this level to another label

Anti-pop composer, sonically robbing the nation

when I strap on a blue cardigan we can be neighbors (do lasers)

water douse fire now, fire bad, fire blank at bastard Bladerunner bliss

shotgiven(miss), another bargain bin opportunity moment clipped

I was a B-Boy once, I really gave a fuck (still do)

When you were trading episodes at laser tag academy I was applying

for most sinister mister brainfuck crown confront

The loudest son of the transistor rubble box

damage and shit like open-handed palm brandishing

letting the hurt live where it landed... Like that


This is for New Jacks trying to decide where they fit (get busy)

Destroy the walls when you spit

For writers with a Krylon image brain print (translate it)

Leave your name dripping from bricks

For cats who covet fame with my name on their lips (re-think it)

you're sucking poison milk from fake tits

This is for kids worried about the apocalypse (do something)

Prepare yourself and stop talking shit

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