En Vogue - Give It up, Turn It Loose Lyrics

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Artist: En Vogue
En Vogue Author
Album: Hold On and Other Hits (2005)
En Vogue - Hold On and Other Hits Album
Song Title: Give It up, Turn It Loose
Genre: R&B: Soul
Visits: 749
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I believe in yesterday
I believe in yesterday

What's the problem?
You keep comin' in and keep comin' out and singin flat
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
What's wrong? What's wrong?
You're not concentrating
Yes, I am concentrating
No, you're not
I'm sorry, let's just do it again
Nonono, uh uh. What's the problem
There's no problem.
Dawn, what's wrong?
There's nothing wrong, Terry.
Please don't tell me it's Kevin.
Ew, Kevin Swahili, I knew it! He's got cooties.
And he's seeing Tamika right now
And everybody else
He is not seeing Raneka
He is.
How you know?
Wait a minute guys.
Wait wait wait. You guys, we should not attack her, it sounds like it's
serious because we can't concentrate and get this right. So, let's deal with
the problem.
You see, I've been through this myself, and, let's talk.
And it goes a little something like this - hit it.

Verse 1:
Baby girl (unfair but true)
Can love him once but not twice
Who plays games with no rules (a fool)
Tears for fears (are no surprise)
Happens almost every time
Love knocks you on your behind
(Loved you hard, loved you long, now his love is gone)
Love 'em and leave 'em (is the rule of most dogs)
You must be strong
Stand up on your own
Take control of your life
I've seen it time and time again
It's not worth it, no
Don't be down and miserable
You and only you
Can bring yourself around

Give it up, turn it loose
Oh, if it don't wantcha, you don't need 'em, girl, yeah
Give it up, turn it loose
Oh, you got to have

Verse 2:
Fact of life (so sad but true)
Love can often hurt you
Leaving scars most of your life (nightmares can haunt you)
But fairytales of love, can come true
Both play tricks on your mind
(You'll be fine, take this time, to find piece of mind)
Sooner or later (bad feelings will die)
You must be strong
Don't blame it all on love
In time good things will come
I've seen time and time again
It's not worth it, no no
Don't be down and miserable
You and only you
Can bring yourself around

Give it up, turn it loose
Oh, if it don't wantcha, you don't need 'em, girl... yeah
Give it up, turn it loose
Oh, you got to have
(Give it up)
Give it up
(Give up)
Give it up
(Give up)
Give it up
Give it up turn it loose
Turnin' it loose, baby
(repeat till fade

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