En Vogue - Whatever Lyrics
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En Vogue Singer Lyrics
Whatever Song Lyrics
En Vogue
EV3 (0)
Song Title:
R&B: Soul
Print Version
I'm liking you too much
Don't take advantage of
My tender heart and everything about me
In giving you my trust
I'm giving you my love
So do take care, please be gentle with my heart
'Cause everything I do is 'bout you, baby
Baby, I don't wanna be apart, ooh
I've been loving you from the start
Here's my heart, here's my heart
Everything I do is all about you, baby
Whatever you do, whatever you think
I look in your eyes
You don't know how my heart aches
Whatever you say, whatever could mean
You're breaking my heart
I want it all the time, I want it every night
I cant stop thinking, can't stop thinking about you
I'm burning with desire, my heart and soul on fire
So do take care, please be careful with my heart
(Bum, bum, bum) Anything you do, I crave it, baby, baby, baby
(Bum, bum, bum) I can't get you out a my mind
(Bum, bum, bum) Loving you I can't deny you're in my heart
(Bum, bum, bum) Deep inside, everything I do is all about you, baby
Whatever you do, whatever you think
I look in your eyes
You don't know how my heart aches
Whatever you say, whatever could mean
You're breaking my heart
I maybe a fool for you, baby
Well, I can't help myself
Maybe I'm too in love
What else can I do but go crazy
For your love, boy, I'd give anything
(Bum, bum, bum)
(Bum, bum, bum)
Whatever you do, whatever you think
I look in your eyes
You don't know how my heart aches
Whatever you say, whatever could mean
You're breaking my heart
Whatever you do, whatever you think
I look in your eyes
You don't know how my heart aches
Whatever you say, whatever could mean
You're breaking my heart
Whatever you do, whatever you think
I look in your eyes
You don't know how my heart aches
Whatever you say, whatever could mean
Whatever Lyrics
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Other En Vogue song Lyrics
"It really isn't clear
What the story is my dear
So I'll have to analyze
All those lies and alibis..."
Lies, lies, using lies as alibis
Lie's, lies, just a devil in disguise
It's the same game..."
Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
"He was a
sexy, LOVER boy
from out Chicago way...
He had a..."
Hold On
When I had you
I treated you bad
Wrong my dear..."
Part Of Me
"Rain, such a simple thang
Every drop, a different stop
But they all come from the same
God is the cloud..."
Time Goes On
"Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick
repeat x14
On and on, time goes on, never stops,..."
Just Cant Stay Away
"Won't you come close to me now
Won't you come close to me now
Here I am baby
Right back in your arms..."
Dont Go
"I'm so glad to see you
Now I have the chance to say
Our love's been growing freely
What must I do to make you stay..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "EV3" album, click "
En Vogue Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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