Erykah Badu - Bump It Lyrics

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Artist: Erykah Badu
Erykah Badu Author
Album: World Wide Underground (2003)
Erykah Badu - World Wide Underground Album
Song Title: Bump It
Genre: Rap: Hip-Hop
Visits: 879
Print Version

Phat Beats
Phat Drums
Phat Beats
Phat Beats
(Tongue roll) stick 'em
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,

Push up the fader
Bust the meter
Shake the tweeter
Bump it --- Well Well Well
Bump it - Well Well (4x)

[Verse 1]
You know I love it when they play my beat real loud
Because it moves the band and then it moves the crowd
You know I love it when they play my sh-t sky high
It puts me in a daze

And oh--oh--oh--oh
Ooh baby before you bump it
Won't you shake it just a little for me
Wait a minute for you buss it
Won't you roll a lickle something for me
And oh--oh--oh--oh
Ooh baby before you bump it
Won't you shake it just a little for me
Wait a minute for you bump it
Won't you shake it for me, shake it for me

Push up the fader
Bust the meter
Shake the tweeter
Bump it --- Well Well Well
Bump it - Well Well(2x)

[Verse 2]
You know I love it when they play my beat real loud
Because it moves the band and then it moves the crowd
You know I love it when they play my sh-t sky high, high, hiiigh, high

Oh, Oh, oh--oh--oh--oh
Ooh baby before you bump it
Can you roll a lickle for me
Wait a minute for you buss it
Won't you shake it just little for me
And oh--oh--oh--oh
Ooh baby before you bump it
Can roll a lickle something for me
Wait a minute for you bump it
Won't you shake it for me, shake it for me

Push up the fader
Bust the meter
Shake the tweeter
Bump it --- Well Well Well
Bump it - Well Well(4x)

Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,
Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah,

African beats and nature sound effects until end

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Other Erykah Badu song Lyrics
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  • Certainly (Flipped It)
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    what we gonna do when they come for you..."
  • Reprise
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    You keep me guessing day and night
    I'll keep you in my heart no matter what happens
    I promise you I'll never let you down..."
  • Searching
    "See a butterfly
    Up in the sky
    I got a story to say
    And I`ll tell you why..."
  • Boogie Nights/All Night
    "Erykah Badu - Boogie NightsAll Night
    We gon' keep it back for y'all
    Keep it back in the day
    Boogie nights, wo oh oh..."
  • Stay
    "Please stay with me now
    Don't you let me go
    I'll make it somehow
    I got to let you know..."
  • Tyrone (Extended Version)
    "Alright then
    I'm gettin tired of your shit
    you don't never buy me nothin
    And every time you come around..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "World Wide Underground" album, click "Erykah Badu Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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