Faint - Victim Convenience Lyrics

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Artist: Faint
Song Title: Victim Convenience
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 832
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I took two steps out of the door
and I got two steps away
and then i turned
the screen was calling

(I could not resist)

you could find a bead of light
you can cause the outside window to dull
pause until the evening turns
and it's a.m. routine job or the pills

we're all on cable I.V. drips
let red cells pixelate us
constant help needed to unhook
call it "victim convenience"

I took two steps out of the room
and I stepped back toward the door
and tried again
a conversation

(and it went like this)

"I could talk for hours to you"
"I could watch your mouth and eyes look shut"
the controller's lost and I'd
rather commit "power" than hear this out

we're all on cable I.V. drips
let red cells pixelate us
constant help needed to unhook
call it "victim convenience"

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Other Faint song Lyrics
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  • Casual Sex
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  • In Concert
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  • Sex Is Personal
    "I'm caught in excitement
    an unusual spell
    it's pure in a sense
    and abstract from our lives..."
  • Worked Up So Sexual
    "i see you work at night, are you sexually amused?
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  • the passives
    "left eye spins in circles, passives line the rail. they get no satisfaction from the electro-static breaks. a beat can't cut the passives loose they're afraid what we will say. no harm is done when you try it then hide. parts moving - keep moving. a cool collected life is a safe move... you heard that. you're unsure but its clear to us. come to terms, you're alone here observing. every time you go out you observe. walk past collared passives. don't look toward their eyes. it adds to their discomfort, shows there's some confidence they miss.

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Blank-Wave Arcade" album, click "Faint Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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